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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


Last weekend I was involved in a friendly species comp fishing from the Eastern side of the IOW.


The area allowed is Selsey Bill to St.Catherines and up to Cowes in the Solent.


I launched from Hayling Island and went out on the Friday pm to catch some mackerel for the following day's bait. As I was out of Chichester there seemed not too many about but in Langstone entrance the sea was alive with them!


Saturday I went out to a mark I know just before Utopia and managed a couple of small Tope, the biggest to 11lbs, but the sea and wind started to increase so we headed inshore a bit to get some cover from the land.


We were soon into wrasse, bream and pout and even after a couple of moves they seamed to follow us around.


Sunday went out in the rain at 7.30am to a flat calm sea but within an hour or so the wind increased with the sea state and playing safe we shot back in as the Coastguard's forecast a gale 8 warning imminent.


Not a great week-end for fish for us, others had some good sport on smoothies but out of 21 people on small boats, I was the only one who got Tope so it would appear they are not about in great numbers yet.


All in all a great weekend with mates but cr**p weather for a Bank Holiday!


Nothing to add to club catch reports as outside fishing area.




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