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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Last year I think the monies were collected after the comp, although booking in is required prior to the comp.


This competition is particularily important as it is the first one to count for the BFM competition. We will need at least 10 anglers fishing, so the more the merrier.


I shall be fishing some of the days.



well Dave and I would likr to offically book in now - on the basis we will fish somehow/somwhere.


we owe 10 and will settle somehow


Mark and I will be out, hopefully for all three days, thats if we can carry enough food and beer for the duration wink.gif


No, seriously, it will depend on my fathers health whether I spend a full 48hrs down in Weymouth this year






I am not sure if we have a Competition Sub Committee for this event


But you do need to pre book with Paul [Fish recorder] or Adam [Competition organiser] so that they know who is entered and how much prize money is at stake.


We also need confirmation regarding a gathering afterwards for a prize giving, has anyone organised that in Adam's absence in the Caymans?


New boat not finished yet so I may be after crewing with someone to wet a line during what has always been my favorite comp.


Fish anywhere at any time over most of a weekend for specimen fish.


In my book that is an excellent opportunity and I can not really understand why more Members do not partake.

If you are going out that weekend please support the event by entering


Charlie biggrin.gif


I will be fishing the species hunt on friday and then the specimin comp - at least on saturday on Court Jester - probably with Vernon Allen at some point.


So that makes two more





I will keep track of who is booked in for the 48Hr Comp on this thread or of course by calling me.


So far we have :-


Paul Frey

Paul D

Gordon Moore

Duncan and Dave

Andy Garret + ?

Mark and Rich

Neal and Vernon


Hi Paul,


If my doctor can sort out an anti-biotic that works tomorrow when he gets my swab results back I'm hoping to fish the competion, subject to an infected wound healing in time. If not all the best to everyone who is taking part.


Gordon H




I will be out with Gordon on Friday but will be looking for crew on Sunday.


Any one interested ? ( It will be a later start as off to a party on Sat evening )





would anyone like to join us in weymouth for the weekend blink.gifcool.gif friday night and saturday night fish all day and a few beers at night and the odd kebab thrown in for good measure sick.gifsick.gif sleep on board on weymouth quay .


would anyone like to join us in weymouth for the weekend blink.gifcool.gif friday night and saturday night fish all day and a few beers at night and the odd kebab thrown in for good measure sick.gifsick.gif sleep on board on weymouth quay .


Ditto Duncan



for you and Mark......I don't think kebabs are available wherer Awol and Phaeton are heading.................. rolleyes.gif

You can always send Martin to St Peters Port to get the kebabs ...... laugh.gif


damm - don't tell Mark there are kebabs there or he will be over catching all the big brill! ph34r.gif


I sort of feel that whilst Weymouth and kebabs go together St PP is more of a crab and Chablis place - especially given the sunshine promised for the weekend!


I've been told there's even A CHINESE take away in Alderney laugh.gif .

The emphasis is on A......, apparently he serves and he cooks and he cleans, a real one man band. wink.gif


Oh stop it weep.gif


My Offshore is still in the Garden, and it may be the weekend that the engine goes in


The other option is not available this weekend weep.gif


and the weather is looking good



B****R it.






Still if the sun shines the boat will look good when the scaffold comes down


Charlie biggrin.gif

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