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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Boys & Girls - dont forget, this Sunday - 22nd July, id the re-schedule of the species hunt.


The forecast is looking favouable at the moment, and this is also a BFM qualifying comp, so we need at least 10 to enter.


Post here if you are fishing.



The forecast is looking favouable at the moment...

For the novice and nervous amongst us: What qualifies as favourable please?

And is it the same as comfortable? wink.gif

Morning looks fairly sunny but intermittent to steady rain in the PM and 10 to 12 mph Southerly winds.


My Carol is in hospital at the moment and due to be 'sprung' on Sunday PM. If the weather forcast looks a bit better (less rain) on Sat' the MIL has offered to pick Carol up and spend the day with her so I can go fishing the comp'.

How late can I leave it to enter???????


Mad Mike



Unfortunately I will not make the comp this Sunday, with 3 consecutive Sundays fishing I am now pushing the Husband / wife / Divorse / doghouse envelope a little too far. tongue.gif But As she's working I still might be able to sneak out Saturday


I will be fishing with Paul Rowcliffe and launching out of Lymington.


Weather willing of course.


Will decide on Saturday.



Well that is 3 people fishing. Not exactly a huge turnout is it !


Any other takers ? ( We need 10 people for the BFM comp ).



I`m taking a mate from work out on a promised trip.


but if you need me as numbers just tell me what to do !!!


We will be launching Baiter between 7.00 and 8.00




Worth noting that Gordon is out fishing today - bit of a swell running. He is on the Clan McVey and it is a bit lumpy. Please bear this in mind for tomorrow. ( Forecasts I have seen imply weather will be similar tomorrow and blow up in the afternoon. ).


Remember it is only fishing and not worth taking un-necessary risks over.


PS: I am going for 8AM launch from Lymington and if the sea is rough will be turning around and coming home !

I`m taking a mate from work out on a promised trip.


but if you need me as numbers just tell me what to do !!!


We will be launching Baiter between 7.00 and 8.00





Just report in and keep track of how many of each species of fish you catch ( up to a max of 4 per species ).


There is a scoring spreadsheet available here :-


scoring sheet




The Foxes are still in club waters. So are now booked in. That takes us past the 10 required for the BFM.


And the forecast is even OK on the metoffice site as well !



Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis


Issued by the Met Office at 1800 UTC on Saturday 21 July 2007


24 hour forecast:


Wind - Southwest backing south 3 or 4.

Weather - Showers.

Visibility - Moderate or good.

Sea State - Slight.





Booked in to date are :-



Paul D

Paul R

Adam F + ?

Simon L

Neal + ?

Rich Biggs

Mike Norman

Gary Ayles

Mike Fox

Carol Fox

George Fox



I hope you lot are enjoying yourselves and making the most of it. What am I doing? Laying a wood floor in the dining room. sad.gif And what have I to look forward to? Skirting boards and door architraves and new doors - until Wednesday. Then it's off to Bavaria and Austria for 3 or 4 weeks where I shall be trying to tempt some of the wild trout from the mountain streams.



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