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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well finall out " ISIS "into the water on Bank Holiday Monday, Launched from Rockly Park, no problems, gently tootled through Poole bay out past the Ferry and along to Swanage bay, didn't hit anything or get in any ones way ( I think ), and there was a lot of traffic !

Fished of the North cliff area, but couldn't get away from the Mackeral, so went back into the bay and anchored up near Brownsea Castle, loads of bites, but only hook ups were very small, then the weed came through in force, so opted for a gentle trip back, thats were the fun began, Rockly channel is small and shallow, and we got back around 4-30 pm just on bottom tide, at one point I thought I was going to spend the night on a sand bank ! but got back to the slipway only to find the water didn't quite reach the slip way.

After a bit of juggling of boats on moorings, finaly got her on the trailer, but the trailer wheels were not on the slipway and I could not get enough grip to overcome the step, so the guys at Rockly assisted by pulling the Volvo V70 AND boat set up out ! Thanks guys missus was starting to panic some what....

All in all a great day and our first taste afloat in Poole, only thing that spoilt the day was getting the car broken into the night before, over


Via the railway line Rockley boat park backs onto 'crime central' of the Poole area. The council estate is called Turlin Moor.


Dont let tide and low water worry you too much at Poole. You will have to get used to the double highs and double lows in a single tide cycle. But the FULL low is the 2nd Low and the one that moves most rapidly in time and depth.

If you look at ...< http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/coast/tides/south.shtml > and study the graph you will see what I mean.

The main thing to remember about FULL low is that it's ebb lasts 3 hours and it's return to the level it was when it started takes only 3 hours. So If you arrive at your slip and ground half an hour before low water you only have to wait an hour and a quarter to get water under your keel again.


Mad Mike


Cheers Mike, I must admit when the Fish finder won't read the depth cos I have the limit set at 2 foot, it is a bit worrying, but my duck is broken not the boat so looking forward to next time, I could do with finding some simple fishing marks for next time, either just in or out of Poole harbour, so when I do get to move I can start stretching my scope.


Hi Ron


Good to hear your beginning to feel your feet in these part.


Ref Rockely. I have kept an 8.2 metre walkround sports fisher with a large inboard diesel there since end of December and as yet have not been stuck due to lack of water (came close once though). We have gone out on some quite low tides so you should not have to many problems with yours, just remember that on the way out the end of rockley channel is the shallowist.


When you get into the main part of the harbour that is reffered to as the harbour untill you pass the ferry. Pass the chain ferry and your into Poole Bay. I guess the North cliffs you refer to are Old Harry and Ballard Down which lead into Swanage Bay.


When you are next down put a post up here, I would be only ro pleased to take you out and show you the area.


Shame about those barstewards pinching the kite gear but the evil element are everywhere



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