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Hi people,

I have been a lurker of this forum for a while and decided to stop lurking and get involved.


Just so you know, when in the forces i spent most of my time on sailing and power boats so im confident and hopefully safe around the boat, I work from home and live in Poole, so if you need a boat buddy at short notice give me a shout if your stuck, and i will try to start getting out on the water again.


I fish from the beach at least once a week but love boat fishing, happy to share costs Etc, But i don't yet have a boat rod or reel, will sort thats out on pay day though ;-)


Also have a strapping 18 year old son who like boats if required.


Anyway contact details are


Zero 779 Zero 492 zero 74


looking forward to meeting some of you.



Hi people,

I have been a lurker of this forum for a while and decided to stop lurking and get involved.


Just so you know, when in the forces i spent most of my time on sailing and power boats so im confident and hopefully safe around the boat, I work from home and live in Poole, so if you need a boat buddy at short notice give me a shout if your stuck, and i will try to start getting out on the water again.


I fish from the beach at least once a week but love boat fishing, happy to share costs Etc, But i don't yet have a boat rod or reel, will sort thats out on pay day though ;-)


Also have a strapping 18 year old son who like boats if required.


Anyway contact details are


Zero 779 Zero 492 zero 74


looking forward to meeting some of you.

Hi Paul .

I will give you call next time i go out, are you able to go midweek.

I have rods you can use.





Midweek is usually no problem, occasionally i work away from home but I am not expecting to go away for a few weeks


As i work from home i can generally get away nice and early if i need to as well, Might as well make flexi hours work in my favor ;-)


look forward to the call


Paul, I have a gash six foot 12lb class rod, its yours for free chap. It isnt an all singing all dancing model, but has served me well over the past five years, Ive upgraded to a few new ugly sticks. I also have a 20lb class that is going begging, brand new, for a donation of a few quid to club funds, you can have the pair.

Message me if interested, I'll drop them down at Mark B's, who lives in Poole, this weekend when we fish the flattie comp. Im sorry but I havent spare reels, but see allun J on here, he will sort you out with an ABU6500 I'm sure, for a reasonable price.





I have sent you a PM about the rods.


Thanks for the offers of help, pretty impressive.


And i look forward to meeting you at the club sometime, I have aready made up my mind that i am going to join.


And i look forward to meeting you at the club sometime, I have aready made up my mind that i am going to join.

What a wise decision biggrin.gif


Welcome to the best club site on the net. Some of our best anglers started as none boat owning members (including Rich above)






BTW anymore lurkers out there rolleyes.gif


hi Paul welcome to the forum.


i'm a bit of a lurker allways look at the forum


willing to crew with anyone mid week any time

contact on 07899 046 095


is there someone that can give me access to the private section of the forum, as i joined the club at the last meeting tnkx






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