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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all ,


Is there anyone local to the Poole area that can have a look at my Navman Vhf radio ?

It switches on ok and all the functions are displayed on the screen but it does not receive or transmit .

I thought it might be the aerial , but when you set it to scan all channels it stops at different channels when there is activity , which i presume means that the aerial is working cos the radio is picking up a signal.

The radio is completely silent , if you twiddle the squelch button there is no noise at all .


The radio is nearly two years old so unfortunately out of warranty , so if someone can point me towards an electronics bod i will be gratefull .


Thanks , Andy smile.gif



I used to repair VHf's and CB's as a sideline.

Haven't got access to all the test equipment now (they closed our electronics section), but the first thing to check is the mike lead, many VHF's won't transmit or receive if there's a break in the mike lead.

I'm happy to take a look for you if you like, I'm at Upton.




Posted (edited)

im no expert but most sets will recieve without a fist mic connected

Depends how the switching is done, some sets ground the speaker via the push to talk button (others via a relay), so that the speaker is disconnected during transmit.

Besides a speaker problem wouldn't stop it transmitting.

Andy, are you sure it doesn't transmitt?

Edited by Brian

Hi Brian ,

I am presumming it doesn't transmit as i called out a couple of times for a radio check and received no reply , but if my speaker is kaput i suppose i would'nt have heard it anyway . blink.gif


I would be grateful if you could give it a once over for me , pm me your phone number and i will give you a ring .


Thanks , Andy smile.gif


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