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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, after many many months, I finally took the bull by the horns and back belt in tow and finally got to fishing again. Many thanks to my chiropractor!!!!!!!!


The weather couldn't have been better, calm seas (to welcome me back no doubt) and a 9lb thornback ray (my very first ray of any kind), so am walking with my head held high again, so watch out guys my holy grail may be in site (as long as Rich doesn't get there first that is!!)


So thanks to hubby (who looked a little peeved sad.gif ) fior being patient with me and my back problem. Here's hoping there will be many more days like that.......



Cheers Guys




Thanks Charlie - there may be more this weekend!!! wink.gif


He most certainly was Mike and he can keep his mitts off my car Martin (and clean it out after the fishing expeditions) tongue.gif






I'm sorry hubby....... tell u wot......the next one I hook, I'll let u bring it up OK???


WAY TO GO HELEN laugh.giflaugh.gif


I love a cutting remark well delivered biggrin.gif And that was a classic biggrin.gif


Now for goodness sake PLEASE don't go and out do him on Saturday 'cos I've got to spend the day with the poor lad on Sunday, and there's only so much wailing and sobbing I can take.........


Mad Mike


Thanks all - have to keep him in his place (maybe it will be me searching for brownie points this summer) wink.gif


BTW - Paul - WHERE THE HELL IS MY PICTURE?????? Could it be you don't want people seeing my wonderful fish????? Shame on you!!!






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