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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Martin kindly agreed to take George and I out for the day, and we arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7.20 down at Rockley, but Martin was there already, getting AWOL set up, and told us it was definitely to be a cod trip...definitely..!


We trundled out of the channel steadily into the still, misty harbour, wondering if the gentle breeze would hinder our little trip out to the mysterious "Y-Bank" we had heard so much about.


As the revs increased and we dropped down harbour, it was clear the breeze had a lot of East in it, and the mist was thickening. By the Swash Channel, we could only see a buoy or two ahead, but Martin was determined to plough the white furrow out to this elusive mark. After about 5 miles, the mist started to thin, and the sea ahead looked brighter, and suddenly out into glorious autumn sunshine, with an interesting lop with a bit more East in it than was healthy.


We arrived at the bank, and Martin checked out a couple of the marks he had, and the uncharted underwater banks leapt into view on the fish finder, but other than a couple of bold red "X"'s there was nothing on the plotter. Indeed a genuinely new mark! Martin dropped anchor, and we baited up.


Following Martin's advice, we rigged 7/0 pennel's, and used large squid baits (well 3-4 seemed huge at the time PJ!), which we dropped down slowly on the morning ebb.


George hit fish first, and pulled in a lovely blonde ray of about 6-7lb, which was gently returned. Then Martin with one of 10lb or so. Then George again with a smaller one of 3-4lb....leaving his Dad green with envy. Eventually I got one too of 7-8lb (new prize rod duly christened!!!), and all returned to grow bigger - along with the baits which steadily went up in size!


Then I had a strange bite. A knock. Then another. Picked the 30lb Ugly Stik up and held it carefully. Another, so leant into it, and all hell broke loose! Line screamed off the reel as something big down there woke up, and decided to go North at high speed...and didn't want to slow down. The TLD15 had been set in strike mode with a fair bit of tension (later checked at 10-15lb drag), but it just creamed off. Then stopped. I realised what it had done - come back towards me, so I wound in quickly, and leant into the fish again, starting another searing run. Another 50 yards or so must have come off the reel before it all went slack for a second time. So, wound like crazy, and caught up again, and this time continued pumping. This wasn't popular, and the fish was having none of it, and it continued back towards the distant Purbecks, but was definitely slowing. I resolved to wait it out, and tire whatever it was. I gave it a couple more minutes until the spool had slowed and started to apply pressure again...and then it all went sickeningly slack. Something had parted! I wound it in, and found the 40lb leader had frayed through, as if sandpapered. So, we never did find out what it was, but it was big!


We stuck it out on the bank until slack tide, then returned inshore, fishing one of Martin's marks on the Slate Beds, where a few other boats (private and charter) were obviously trying for the elusive cod.


Martin showed how it should be done, pulling in the first strap conger, then George had one, his first, and weighed at 4.5lb to establish a Personal Best, and well...I just caught dogfish!


We upped tackle as the sun started to dip, and George was delighted that Martin popped him on the helm, and George took us back into the Swash, when Martin took over. I have a horrible feeling that George now prefers helming at 26 knots to 6 knots! He even slowed nicely for a pod of dolphins that he and Martin had seen dead ahead.


Some interesting echos later, coming up through the harbour - wondered if the herring might be in?


A cracking trip, with great company, and steady and intriguing action all day - but no cod to report.


Thanks again Martin - a brilliant day out!


Oh, and anyone have any ideas what I lost?


Mike and George








Nice report Mike,


Well done to you and George. biggrin.gif


I would suspect it could have been a large hound/tope, with the leader shreaded on the body of the fish.





do you mean leader Mike? or snood?


either way I would suggest either a club record blonde or huss - both will make that sort of short runs and go both uptide and down, both have the weawithall to severe a leader (tails) or snood.


also agree with Coddy


but knowing the ground my bet would be 20lb huss.


I had 4 blondes and a snake there the previous day............


A good account of the days proceedings Mike I'm really pleased you and George enjoyed the day.


Whatever it was that you were hooked into was a very large free swimming fish that paid little attention to being on a lead laugh.gif Have given it a lot of thought since Sunday and would say it was was to quick for a Ray and hugely more powerfull than even a large bully. My guess is a very large Tope or maybe just maybe some other kind of shark.



Posted (edited)

probably right Martin - I may have to reconsider using leaders; comfortable that my overall gear and hook lengths are appropriate but my mailline is vunerable.........


Having lost 2 fish this year to gear failures (one on that mark ph34r.gif ) I just hate the uncertainty!!! unsure.gif


On the other hand surely it's too soon for Mike to get another fish of a lifetime!


inturrupted and forgot why I was editing! Other possibles to consider would be angler fish and common skate

Edited by duncan

Well done guys on what sounds like an exciting trip


These big fish stories are really wetting my appitite for an imminent return to getting back to fishing


A nice report Mike and a shame that the big one again got away.


It sounds like it was a fast fish by Martins discription and your having to wind to catch up with it would probably count out Rays or Huss


I would think a late season tope or shark


Isn't it great watching the youngsters at the helm at speed for the first time, wide eyed excitment

Beats the playstation.


Nice one

Charlie biggrin.gif



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