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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took up an invitation to do an afternoon/ evening bash for smoothies and Ray from Jimbob, on Tara, couldn't resist, such a blinding day inland!!!!


What a difference out in the Solent! Sea mist, a slight chop, no sun, but the troops enjoyed!


A quick blat over to the trusty Sconce Bouy to bag a few Mackeral, and did they oblige or what? One drift and the bait box was full, so off east toward the Boom.

On anchoring up, the baits were fired out, Tara looked like a porcupine. I had heard of Jimbob's tactics, but never witnessed them wink.gif


The fish began to come, not as fast as last visit, but never the less, sport was excellent. Smoothies on light tackle, great fun, and even the larger Bream put in an appearance, even though the mark is renowned for smaller fish.

"No doggies yet", was Jimbob's comment, and just to oblige.............in they came!!! With no Ray showing, we up sticks and head in closer to the River mouth, and gave that a bash for about an hour, a few other small boats around us. No luck there either, off back to the slip, and she's out of the water as quick as she was in, great sesh James, cheers chap, and it looks like your club record is safe for the moment Adam wink.gif




As rich said, It was lovely inland but bloody horible out there, as I left the house the neibours were commenting on what A luck B!@:*!!* I was to be going fishing on a day like today!! How wrong could they be!!! unsure.gif

Buy 4pm rich and I had fleeces and coats on, rich was even donning a wooley hat I would have felt more at home winter cod fishing that sat out summer fishing for stingrays!!

Even so I did enjoy the trip with fairly constant sport from the hounds, nothing huge my biggist was 7lbs caught on a hard back crab left over from a winter flounder session in poole harbour(they do work! dry.gif )

Cheers rich for good company, should be out again tomorrow on BW with Adam, weather pemiting biggrin.gif




It must be just us older married guys that are working like slaves to get enough browny points for a couple of trips during the 48 hr comp then.


sounds like a good trip even if a bit chilly


good luck tomorrow, catch all your specimens before the weekend. biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Buy 4pm rich and I had fleeces and coats on, rich was even donning a wooley hat I would have felt more at home winter cod fishing that sat out summer fishing for stingrays


I think this sort of condition is called a 'Sea Fret' ? I'm sure that someone here will know if that's right.



Fished out of Lymington yesterday ( Wed ) and also found Mackeral rather obliging ( 2 drifts and filled bait box ).


Wind had picked up to Force 4 and was with the tide, so got over to the "Smoothie" spot in record quick time ( for Neo anyhow ! ).


Fished for around 3 hours and we had Smoothhound on squid to 7 llb ( I took a carp fishing friend from work who caught his first smoothy. He was just asking how to tell what the bite would be like when his rod bent double !! )


I was fishing mackeral fillet on another rod and caught just the one fish on it all afternoon - the one dogfish.


We had hundreds of bites all afternoon - still finding it difficult to hook up with many of them. Any tips ??


Bit choppy coming back as wind was now against tide, but been in worst.

Only downside was clipping the pontoon and taking a chunk out of the bow smile.gif when wading over with the boat whilst launching.


Hi Paul


Most of the bites you get and dont connect with are the peskey little Brean around the 8 oz mark ,cracking bites but nothing their.


They can realy spoil a days fishing, but the way we fish when it is like this is not to bother with the rod until it bends over hard , when the bites stop its time to rebait



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