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this is my first post, so i must introduce myself.


so, im steve, im 24, and i am a keen sea angler living in bournemouth, hoping to get a boat soon!

seen all the catch reports and it looks like a lot more varied than the shore fishing i do. bigger fish to!

ive been sea fishing for about a year and a half, went out with a mate one day and was hooked from there really. and i cant think of a more pleasant way to pass the day!

work wise im a welder fabricator, soon to go self employed with my own workshop so if you need some welding, light fabrication, sand blasting, wet blasting or metal polishing done soon, let me know! will be open in the new year.


tight lines, steve


Hi Steve,

Welcome to what is probably the best small boat angling club in the country!


They're a good bunch of chaps (and chappesses) and there's more information in these web pages than a couple of decades of magazines!


Pop along to one of our meetings, and meet a few people. You might even get a chance to crew with someone, pick up a few tips on boat or gear buying, and I would be more than happy to help suggest a few things to improve your future boat safety - which would help you relax and enjoy your fishing more!



Safety Officer


Hi steve and welcome aboard the very friendly and informative PBSBAC forum. Good luck with your self employed welding venture - for sure some members (probably including me !) may ask for your help !

Next time im short of crew will send you a message to join me on Stargazer if you like....

Oh and good luck finding a boat, ask these guys before you buy as they have a wealth of boating knowledge and experience biggrin.gif



Hi Steve and welcome to our clubs home on the net.


As Mike F says probably the or at least one of the best small boat angling clubs in the country. If Carlsbeg did fishing clubs it wouldn't be half as good as this one laugh.gif


We are definately a freindly lot and willingly give help and advice.

If your interested in finding out more about boat angling and running a small boat then do consider joining the club. Membership certainly reduces the learning curve


End of sales pitch rolleyes.gif




Welcome to the forum steve and if you keep an eye on the boat buddies section you will probably find someone looking for crew - feel free to ask.






Welcome Steve,


I have only been a member this year and the benefits are superb.


I have gained more knowledge in the last 9 months about boat fishing than I did for the 3 years I had a boat and didn't join the club!


Also, you will make some good friends with similar interests.


The next meeting is this Thursday so pop along.




thank you all for your warm welcome


as i said, i am aiming to buy a boat as soon as i can, it wont be untill my buisness venture gets going mind. hopefully it wont take long. all advice on what to get/ what to look for is very helpful and welcome


cheers all, steve




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