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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Following Tom's kind invitatation to join him fishing for Cod from the Needles area -

A slight change of plan, with the offer of Fred joining us and taking us in his huge boat.


After the last few days (weeks) bad weather I expected a fairly big residual swell - but flat calm seas and a slight NE wind was the order of the day.


Within seconds of putting our multiple squid baits down we were plagued by dogfish - they have obviously been missing their squid of late.


As the tide dropped away Fred was the first to latch into something other than a dogfish - a nice 13lb cod - complete with a whole live crab still in its mouth.


Once the tide turned the dogfish came back on the feed with a vengeance - at most times all 6 rods were dancing to the tune of the hungry dogfish - we must have caught well over 100 during the day.


I was beginning to fear that once again my trip to the car park was in vain - but at last a bite that was obviously not a dog - and hopefully not a conger either. (We had caught a few by this time!!!) It certainly felt more like a cod and after doing its best to tangle with every other line out of the back of the boat - another nice 13lb fish was brought aboard.


Having fished the same area on at least ten previous occasions at last I have a Needles Cod - Oh to do the same in one of the competitions


Anyway thanks to Fred and to Tom for a great day out - and now looking forward to the club comp on Sunday.









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