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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Charlie, as usual I am not going to mix my words and I expect there will be several 'Brand conscious' snobs who will disagree.

Without a doubt for someone who has price and reliability at the top of their agenda Tohatsu is the way to go. It is not just my opinion but many members of the WSF boat owning and maintenance forum, and there are some real experts there. Tohatsu is also Nissan, in fact the whole conglomerate flies under the Tohatsu Engineering banner. The are the only O/B which covers racing within their guarantee. Price wise they sell for less than the 'name' brands because A/ they can sell them at a lower price . B/ to penetrate the European market which is biased towards the known name brands they need to make them fiercely competitive on price. There are many bargains about at the moment with new boxed 2006 and 2007 engines available at great prices. Have a look at




under the thread 'Tohatsu engines' and don't let the brand name tarts put you off laugh.gif

2 or 4 cycle is up to you, but look at your usage and do the maths. For example how many hours use would it take to absorb an

Posted (edited)

Yep, been tinternetting like crazy and think my options are:

Tohatsu TLDI, seem to be cheaper but as Martin says servicing to consider. Dealers listed on their site seem to be sales, rather than servicing, and noted a couple of comments re servicing on WSF.

Mariner Optimax, quite heavy motors but will interface with my Navman kit (gadget freak) rolleyes.gif

Evinrude E-Tec, light and we have a few very happy users in the club.



I'm assuming Honda and Yamaha are an order of magnitude more expensive?


Swings and roundabouts! I guess it comes down to

Edited by charlieannear

Try speaking to Extreme Marine in southampton if your thinking tohatsu, I was impressed by the service I got last year when I bought a new tohatsu 60 from them (07967023610). They can still source 2006 spec 2 stroke motors that are brand new and very reasonable. I see he is selling a new 70hp on boatsandoutboards.com at

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