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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have arrived! My last post made me up to Marlin Master, my cup runneth over. This is probably the only way I'm going to get any major recognition in the angling world but I'm easily pleased. Now, where do I get a baseball cap made up with that on it?




Well done Terry.

Incedentally, this thread gels very well with a realisation that I have just made.

Terry might well get another promotion very shortly, as we are entering the 'Silly Season' of Feb/March where we all, for some reason. seem to make a lot more posts than normal! biggrin.gif


Unfortunately, Charlie, I believe Marlin Master is the top of the tree so I have nothing left to strive for; my work here is done! However, the esoteric suggestion seems strangely appealing so I may try for the sub-section occupied by people like Jack and Mad Mike. Now for research; I'll start with www.nowi'lltellyouwho'smad.com.




Well my suggestion for the pinnacle of angling achievement would be....


Long-Spined Sea-Scorpion Twitcher


and I think everyone over 2,000 posts should be reclassified! Any other suggestions to keep this running?



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