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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I thought I was doing well, then heard of James's Bass captures.

Helen liked the look of the way the Smoothhound fought and decided to switch from mackeral bait to squid.

The result was first drop a nice 13 lb 4 oz ( and that was def. the min weight ! ) Smoothhound.





Nice fish


If its digital or you have scanned it into your pc can you email it to either Paul or myself. we can load it for you. Although if you know where the photo is stored ie which drive (probably your camera, on my pc its drive F) and where on that drive the photo is your almost there. When you posting look for the browse button, click on that, look for the designated letter/drive for your camera or where the photo is stored selct that/select the photo/selct open and thats it. Post your message and your piccy should be there on the forum






Forgot to give my report


Rich and I went west to Dancing ledge, struggled to get mackerel but got enough for bait and topped that up durinbg the course of the day. First drop I have a small thornback ray of around 5lb a good omen for the day thought i. From then on in it got slow. I did manage a 9lb3oz undulate and a 13 oz Cucko Wrasse, what a spectacularly beautiful looking fish, very tropical like. Also had a Bream of 2lb 8oz. So not a disaster but could have been a lot better.


I'll let Rich tell of what he had.




here's an Undulate of 14lb from Saturday, one of 5 rays over the weekend - Undulates of 14 and 11, Thorny of 10 and a pair of Spotted around 3



Nothing huge to report!!



Bream to 2 12, LSD's to 2



Bream too small!! Red Gurnard oz's!!! (Caught on feathers-unbaited-not counted)




Blonde ray of 10lbs (New PB), Bull Huss to 6 8ozs, Pout to 1 8ozs, Pollock to 3 Wrasse to 2 8ozs (New PB)


Thanks to all skippers, although primarily for fishing the comp, managed to learn new stuff each trip, and bag a couple of new species, and hit three new PB's. Thouroughly enjoyable, well organised, thanks, great after match reception, well done, roll on a fortnight!!!!!!!


Cheers Rich



Well done all for organising the comp


Some nice fish were caught and I will add them to the book tonight when I see the full results list.

Then I will send the results to the BFM for the suzuki comp.


Nice Bass JP


a Cracking couple of Tope, with Tom's just pipping Pete's


Several nice Rays were caught

The best being Duncans 14lb Undulate

Humphrey and Neil had a couple of nice Blondes 20 and 21lb's


And while on the subject of blondes Helen had a very good smoothound, nice one girl still showing Paul how easy it is then.




We went out into the chop on Friday night to Swanage, only small wrasse and mackeral in the bay.

As dark approched we moved out to the whitehouse grounds, Sam had an Undulate of 13lb 8oz, Daniel had a Pout of 2lb 8oz and I had LSD to 2lb 8oz


after midnight I managed 1 eel of 29lb before we called it a night.


Back out early on Sunday,

started badly when I could not find a wreck given to me by divers last week on OSBG36 numbers. ( I had converted them on the BSAC site ) but it is small and I could not find it,

I have a choice of 5 OSGB 36 on the Lowrance and did not know which one to pick, Any Ideas???? blink.gifblink.gif


We changed plans and ran to the banks, Sam had a small Blonde of 10lb

As the tide was raelly running on the ebb we tried Dancing Ledge with no Luck then went out to a wreck on the end of St Albans Ledge.

There were so many pout that we could not keep a bait on the wreck for more than about a minute before they ripped it up.

a small bait lasted seconds, the pout were to big for bait and to small to record most about 2lb.

We baited with them to make the baits last. Sam hooked a few large fish that either got back to the wreck or came off 1/2 way up.

the cause was probably small eels and large baits .


eventually at the start of the flood we had one of 19lb


Nice day to be out, shame that more big fish did not appear.


I had told the boys that I did not think it was worth targeting Tope or Bass because of the specimen weight for these species, 1st a Bass 2nd a Tope shows what I know sad.gifsad.gif




Pete's Tope is now on the main page. When Jim gets his Bass on here it will be main pic next and if there are any other pics people want featured let me know.



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