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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Managed to get the boat out for the first time this year.


A bit of a late start but as we, my son Matt was crew, had not registered for the Flounder comp and my ability of catching Flounders is about as good as Jack's predictions wink.gif that we were happy to give it a miss this time around.


We headed out towards the spoils and saw a number of boats in the area so we joined in near Alfresco.

Seems others were having problems with holding on the anchor but we stuck fast all day.


It was a bit slow to begin with as the flooding tide rushed in. but as the tide eased the bites and fish started to come in.


We ended up with with a nice number of whiting to keep and loads returned to grow or be caught again. When the tide stopped the pout came out plus the odd whiting.

By 3pm we headed back in as I wanted to try out my auxillary engine in the harbour and still have enough light to clean everything.


Ended up with a nice whiting of 2.5lb and plenty of others in the 1.5 to 1.75 weights, most spewing up sprats.


Good day out and weather was great, sea was a tad lumpy to start but ended up nice and calm.


Hope others did as well.





Well done Dave


Dean and I were planning to fish Tims flounder comp but the gods said otherwise. On Saturday we had paid to enter the comp in advance as required , worms ordered and the boatyard phoned to arrange a launch so we were ready for an early start Sunday or so we thought. An hour later and a phone call from the yard saying they had launched the boat but the legg was making a grinding noise in nuetral weep.gif so out came the boat. The sad thing is it had only been serviced earlier this week sad.gif Hopefully its only something simple like the gear change cable adjustment. Anyhow the engineer is coming down on Monday to sort it out.


Better luck for us next time


Couldnt stay at home though so Dean and I went down to the boat and did a couple of jobs on her.




there was a good turn out for the flounder comp on sun ph34r.gif i think the guy said it was the biggest turn out they have had yet

chris had the biggest out of the lot of us at 2lb 5 0z ,only 3 fish caught all day i think the winning fish was 2lb 12 or 14 oz,no prizes for the fish we caught but chris and paddy won rods in the raffle so wasnt a complete blank biggrin.gif


got to laugh at a room of fisherman there was rumours of a 4lb beast caught and loads of i heard he had a 3lber ,id hate to be a policeman and try and get a statement form them all lol ph34r.gif


Well I must say that wind Guru had the forecast spot on. biggrin.gif


All week we had been tracking the weather and the chance to get out on a biggish tide and dropping wind.

Yesterday we had both


Adam joined us at the boat just before 8 for a short trip to an area known to have whiting recently, hook down and then on a building flood a slow stream of whiting that as Dave said were stuffed with sprats.


Our big baits remained untouched barring 1 small eyed ray of about 5lb, but the whiting rods were getting a steady run of bites. The fish were tricky to hook [probably down to the sprats] but by selecting the better fish we had more than enough.


The breeze did not completly drop until just before slack, so I decided that mostly due to the size of the tide we would just stay put and enjoy the nice weather. biggrin.gif

In fact Adam and Sam were in T shirts at one stage [in January??]


We finished up with some nice whiting to 2lb 13oz [sam] plus pout a few dogs and the single Ray:D


Two boats close by had Blonde Ray onboard over 20lb so there are bigger fish out there. One was caught by Humphrey and the other will post his own report. wink.gif


I hope that another window in the weather stays as forecast next weekend. biggrin.gif


When we may do a few miles to check some numbers.


Martin sorry to hear about the boat mate, hope all is OK and you get a chance to use the worms.

Give ma a call If you are going I think I have an insite into where the flounders were caught yesterday ph34r.gif Or te whiting.


Charlie biggrin.gif




Was'nt Sunday a great day to be afloat.Thrown all over the place in the morning! Sun bathing in the afternoon.and the fishing mark just like a club outing.Despite being dissapointed on our oversise squid hooks { cod hopefull ]. A change to squid strip on smaller hooks in the afternoon saw us into whiting of 1+ lb.But my super-bonus was a Blonde Ray,estimated by myself and 2 crew to be in excess of 20lb.this on a 2/0 hook and a finger sized strip of squid.You just never know .do you ?. I wonder how it was,that after a frantic search on board we discovered that my lovely electronic scales,purchased seasons ago in anticipation had flat battery and an attractive layer of rust.and at the crunch moment were useless.Perhaps they were sulking through lack of use.I shall service them ready for action now.Thanks for the chat Charlie,and thanks Terry for some timely advice on Sat.

........fishcatcher.jack laugh.gif


looks like i made the call again as i was along side you all for a time then my pick started to let go and in mins we had gone miles it was to lumpy for me so went back in to swanage bay sorry the dog kennels

glad you all got some whiting


Hi Jack


Nice one mate a healthy looking male, you should have slipped across with him, I could have passed you some scales over, we had 3 sets this week plus Adams


[ We were short last time so have over compensated now wink.gif ]


Nice to see that the fish repellent is wearing off


Charlie biggrin.gif


great to hear te people had a good day out - and that some nice fish were caught...


anyone want to know how my staircase renovation is going? thought not!


Jack, if your cable tie is letting go (any number at all!) whilst at anchor and without swinging through a tide, something is very wrong!


Fugazi shadowed the fleet out to the secret mark, but it was abundantly clear that it was only a secret to me. No problem with my anchor not holding, but unfortunately the retrieval buoy managed to unclip itself and make a break for freedom. Funny how an anchor holds on and grips like limpet to the sea bed when you want to recover it and chase after an errant buoy. While I struggled for what seem ages with the bow of the boat being pulled under by the strength of tide "Ow Much" (much appreciated) chased off towards the IOW to catch it. Then as Ow Much had moved I had to travel inshore a mile or so to collect it, at which point it was quite lumpy so we decided to stay and fish there.


Problems then continued as I dropped the anchor for a second time, the cable decided to tangle itself up half way down. This was due to me having pulled 70 metres of it in through the forward hatch when trying to recover it earlier, (normally its recovered using a lazy line into a rope bin). Due to the strong tide and wind while I was sorting this out we had drifted quite a way and when we finally hooked in again we were very close to another boat who wasn


Hi Duncan,Andy and I only use the minimum required break-out yie. For the tide or ground conditions and usually 1 tie does the job.But as all will agree Sundays tides were a bit exceptional,and we have a heavy deep keel boat.We could have done a bit of water ski-ing whilst anchored up at one stage.In our earlier club times we were unable to recover several anchors due I am sure to excess zeal on the break-out scene.Its much cheaper to re-anchor than to keep parting with 150+ quid a go.cheers Jack sad.gif


On a lighter note,my Pc [bloody Vista ] is playing up and I am having to use my daughters discarded lap top Steam driven;treacle coated system,and missing several keys,making it interesting typing some words,as alternatives have to be found. also many of the symbals are reversed or missing [no pound sign at all ]It certainly makes for more challenging posting.....jack sad.gif

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