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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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hi all

as some of you know im new to the club and im looking to gain some experience out at sea especially with knowing what type of gear to use when out fishing cos at the minute its a case of get some bait on and get it over and see what happens ( not a lot i might add) weep.gifweep.gifweep.gif

so im looking to hitch a ride one day of one of you nice kind fellows wink.gifwink.gif to learn a few things and have a good laugh while out there.






You are more than welcome to a trip on "Awol" but not yet. Fishing is c@@p at the moment unless you want to travel 30 miles offshore, be patient, April is the real start of the season.


Watch this forum and when you see catch reports starting to appear thats the time to start seeking out a ride




BTW not sure about the laugh bit, this fishing is serious stuff blink.gif




As soon as the weather improves I intend to be off out after the bream and you are more than welcome to crew.


I will post on here when I need crew ( probably within next 2 weeks or so - weather willing ). Keep an eye out.


cheers Paul


Hi James,

You'll have two target species to play with in the next few weeks.


The plaice usually come in first (the spot I mentioned to you), and ragworm on ledger rig to a size 1 hook is about right, fishing on the drift. Some anglers swear by attractors such as plaice spoons and beads. I find bites are few and far between, and any early fish are quite skinny after spawning.


The black bream then follow shortly afterwards, and you'll find that all of the best spots quickly look like a car park at weekends. Using your chart, GPS and sounder, you should be able to identify the rocky areas where they congregate. Poole Patches are one of the closer spots, and this is public knowledge. Bream are shy biters, with small mouths warranting No 4 hooks, certainly early season, with rag, squid and mackerel all working as baits, but I favour smallish rag, with a tip of squid. Drifting covers a fairly wide area, and will catch you fish. Lifting a rod tip slowly can encourage a better bite. The Patches are usually better at anchor, with certain spots taken very early in the day. Boats anchored with groundbait do particularly well.


I know you haven't done much anchoring, but getting a good setup is sensible both from a safety and fishing point of view. There's lots of posts on the forum about this, but many members with boats your size will have a 7.5Kg Bruce "clone" anchor, plus chain, then 100m of 10 or 12 mm nylon rope as a general purpose system. This should be ok for up to 100' of water in calm conditions.


Lots to think about!


Good luck,



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