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Just saying hi...


Found this place after a review in one of the fishing mags...me and a mate have a white shark 205 running out of cobbs, and have been having stabs at fishing/blanking around on marks locally when we can.


Looking forward to perhaps joining up and gleaming some technique, and pushing further afield than Poole Rocks...biggrin.gif










I recommend that you join the Club as well, you will gain more experience and and be offered more information than you could get yourself in a lifetime of fishing / experimenting.


Plus, you will join a great bunch of guys who just love fishing and who are more than willing to help anyone, no-matter what level of experience they have.


Join up - it will be the best

Found this place after a review in one of the fishing mags...Rob



Welcome and I hope you find the forum useful and hopefully, subsequently decide to join the club. Out of interest, which fishing mag did you find the review in and were we recommended !


regards Paul





it was the march issue of "boat fishing"...on the article about poole harbour.


the club is described as huge...biggrin.gif


got the club application form at work smile.gif



now, how, when and where do i snuffle out my first plaice? biggrin.gif

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