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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We caught up with the boys on Illusion on Friday midday nice to see others that we knew for a change.


Jackie had 2 Wrasse 1lb 1 1/2lb Pout 1 1/2 lb and we think weaver?


I had 2 Wrasse the same a smaller pout and doggy.

And we got the anchor stuck for a while, would love some help with the Alderney ring set up.


Craig Abode11 wink.gifwink.gif


Posted (edited)

well, it looked a nice day to have been out, and at least the tips were bouncing from time to time rolleyes.gif


Tha alderney lifting set up is a doddle.


chain needs to be heavier than the anchor,


large free running ring with warp running through it.


attach a lifting bouy to ring with about 18 inches of rope


set to 'trip' anchor with 2 cable ties. Shackle chain to bottom of anchor and then use the ties to fix the chain to the top of the anchor. If you get stuck, the power of the boat will break the ties and pull the anchor out backwards.


To lift anchor-


motor the anchor out at about 45 degrees to begin with but as the warp tightens hold the warp flush to side of boat (do not tie off on a cleat) so that the line is running behind you, but still well clear of the prop.


The bouy on the ring will run down the warp as you motor off until it gets to the point of it being immediately above the anchor.


the upwards pull will bring lift the anchor.


keep the boat going and the warp will carry on passing through the ring, followed by the chain, but it will not pass over the anchor as the ring will not be large enough.


Because the weight of chain is heavier than anchor, the anchor will stay on the surface, right under the bouy.


There may be a pic someone can post to help you understand further.



Edited by Gnasher



Thanks for your time and your reply.

I think that I will need to see a set up and be shown the method also what type of anchor do most of the guys use.

Maybe I can help crew for someone with more experience before I try it.

This would be a great help to us.

Craig wink.gif




I have a 5kg Bruce clone and use a round buoy from Force Four -




and an Alderney ring from Stainless Steve - http://www.stainless-steve.co.uk/


Works a treat, but as you say go out with a few guys to get the hang of it. I wouldn't have had a go if I hadn't seen it in action before.


You will be able to see numerous people doing it on Sunday as we shoot from mark to mark!!







Dont bother trying to motor your anchor out in water shallower than the length of chain!

or in other words - dont practice in the harbour unsure.gifunsure.gif


easiest is to accept the offer of a ride sometime, using the old adage of an ounce of theory to a pound of practice.










I would suggest for a 21' boat you would be better with a 7.5kg bruce look alike with at least a boat length of chain.


Once shown the alderney ring method of retrieval is easy and a must if you are going to fish in deeper waters. If you like I would show you either on yours or mine


Have a look at anka yanka

for more information on the alderney method






Christchurch Ledge with a hand hauled danforth is only a matter of time before you have that lost in the ledge ( in my case it was the first time smile.gif )


I think you were mentioning winches etc ? - Forget the winch, Alderney Ring is the way to go for you.


PS: I was the boat on the other side of you.



The Christchurch Boat Shop sells the Alderney Rings,they make there own, and also sell the sundrie items to make your rig. They are very helpfull..the ring is about


I got my buoy from Christchurch Boat Shop and the guy made it up to my specification ( as in rope through the buoy acting as a hadle etc. ) - worked a treat.




I also suggest you invest in a "coathanger" or equivalent to keep your buoy away from the bow.


I went for the full Anka Yanka setup with a "Stainless Steve coathanger".

Everything well constructed and buoy to Anka Yanka very securely Rope Spliced.


I can just clip the system to my anchor warp after I 've set the anchor and put the coathanger on the unloaded warp between the cleat and anchor rope basket and then untie and let out as much as required before tying off again.


Having a clipable unit allows me to store everything remotely when not in use.


Expensive but should last a long while.



There are cheaper alternatives e.g using "plastic containers " instead of the Buoy


You Pays your money you takes your choice.





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