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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Picking up from the end of the 'Burnham Tralaway' thread....



Do you enjoy fishing more on Sat or Sun .....in relation to the standard Mon - Fri working week?


In the recent [working] past, I used to wonder why comps were always on Sundays .... and reckoned it was part historical [ when many people worked Sat., or part of it] and part to do with fitting into trad. family lives.


My experiences came to these conclusions.....


......I preferred fishing Sat , as that gave Sun to recover [ as mentioned in Burnham thread]


......the reality was my fishing Sun was often a better day; I realised that Sat. allowed me to recover from the exhaustion of the working week and I enjoyed the day out more on Sun.


.....Mon is never a very good day at work.



Perhaps , with other lines of work, other peoples expeiences are different.





PS.......can highly recommend my current line of 'work' and appreciate [hugely] the ability to go out whenever I want .........now just get mad at the weather!!!


Personally if I'm using the boat on a non-comp weekend, I prefer to take it out on Saturday. I have Friday night to prep, Saturday take the boat out and minor sort out when I get back, Sunday proper clean etc.

For me, trying to fit 2 of those stages into one day makes it more of a rush.

So from that point of view, Saturdays are preferable.


Sunday comps can mean the Saturday night is no-go for parties etc.


However, I've probably got more chance of a clash with daytime domestic commitments if comps were on Saturdays. Sundays are more acceptable from the FPO point of view as she can make sure I've done all my jobs on Saturday!


So, for me, pros and cons of both.


Its been a question for a while


and I see this year that we have added one comp on a sat as a sort of trial



I work quite a few Saturday mornings and very few Sundays


Dan has also started a Sat Job


I seem to get permission from the FPO to fish Sundays, as if we are out socialising on Fri or Sat we do not have to return on time from fishing [Not good at that] to get there

If I do not drink because of fishing the next day it means Wendy can and I drive. Which seems to go down better.






This is a really simple one, jumping to the conclusion!


All 'normal' competitions should be open to be fished on either day. The only special rule that you need to implement this is that you must fish the competition on the first day of the weekend you are actually out fishing ie you can't go out Saturday if you are planning to fish the comp Sunday.


As an example we ran all our regular competitions at the golf club over Fri to Monday, and the weather and conditions played a potentially much bigger part in the results (rather than comfort) than they would for fishing! What we found was that extremely few people were actually able to take advantage of that for exactly the reasons we implemented it in the first place - they were restricted by external factors either regular or from time to time.


Numbers taking part in the competitions gradually increased over the first year until it stabilised at about 3x the initial numbers.


Clearly this doesn't help things like Burnham, or the Open & 48hr. Should be fine for the F&R and bream although I would personally like to see the F&R move to a second 48hr comp basis to give people more chance to target flatfish such as dabs and sole etc rather than the current 'Ray comp' that seems to have developed - one for another (related) discussion!


Presumably this would all have to be presented as a proposal at next years AGM?


Since i have retired i have not found a job which i found i can only go fishing mon tues wed thur fri sat sun ,like this week i only got out sun mon and tues i found you have to keep the bait frozen so you can keep fishing with out any waste ,life can be hard sometimes

Changing the subject has any body got a capstan fitted i was thinking of fitting one to my boat instead of using the alderney ring ,i have found a suppler about


Sundays are the best days for me. I go to football every other Saturday ( although that could change soon ! ).

Also, have to go into town to pay on cheques to the bank ( not open on Sundays ) plus I think getting permission for Saturdays may be much harder.



If I had a choice I would fish both Saturday and Sunday but that is just wishful thinking.


Unfortuanately as well as working stupid hours during the week I have to work every other saturday as well so Saturdays would be no good for me.



I think the idea to allow comps to be fished on Saturday or Sunday is a geat one.


As long as the entrant notified their intended fishing day before stating fishing.

Therefore if there is a bream comp on this weekend and your mate who is only available on Sat wants to go bassing then register the intention to bream on Sunday. Go bassing on sat and then on sunday fish the comp.


Disclosure "Please bare in mind this is a dream situation which can often not happen as described"




It's worth giving some thought to. As has been said, I have scheduled two comps this year on Sat's to gauge the interest.


Personally, and from the replies above its 50/50 who can and who cant.


Making it over two days may be something I / we look at next year. I guess it has the advantage of more people fishing, but makes it less of an 'event'.



Comp. Sec.


Adam, a good plan, for me, with the change in career, I have to work four weekends a year, so those are out for definate.

Seeing as most of our comps are fished on trust alone, it does make sense to offer the option of either a sat or a sun. The spanner here is the BFM comps, which need a minmum of ten entrants, so that alone can cause problems.


If that can be overcome, I would personally back the either sat sun option, perhaps a poll included with this thread??

My comps last year were curtailed due to Dads ill health, so I hope to enter more this year.....not that I will perorm!!!!


Also, on the subject of comps....are we running a Bass only C&R comp with B.A.S.S. again this year???


Good thread.....




Adam or anyone(?)


Could you point me to the comp dates poster, as i seem to have missed the dates. I think half the battle with brownie points is breaking the news as early as possible, in our case, suruptitiously on the kitchen wall planner!


Ooohh - This fishing lark is getting so complicated


Paul laugh.gif




They are on the site..........


.......in the calendar


.......on the Home page, top right........Comp. details.


Bream Comp.......May 18........ will you get a pass so we can both attempt to retain our trophys ??




You got it in one Al. Its the ones marked ++. We can only enter 4 comps and these are the 4 we decided on.


Format doesnt matter, its based upon the position the entrant gets.


Does this clarify it?


BTW - for those who dont know - the prize is a fully fitted Warrior 165 worth approx

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