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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Climbed a fence yesterday, fell off and caught my wedding ring which nearly ripped my finger off!


Had to dig the ring out of my finger which was in a right mess.

A 3 hour wait in A&E is no joy on a saturday night, there was a distinct smell of booze in the air,


Anyway they had to cut the ring off and stitched up the finger.


i'll have to lay low for a few days so im ready for action next weekend






That sounds painfull, weep.gif


Safety Warning


When earning brownie points make sure you don;t injure your rod hand in the process


I hope you mend quickly mate biggrin.gif




I thought the same re: brownie points but apparently the fence was around Sandbanks ...... unsure.gif


I am sure Paul will be OK for Alderney on Saturday though wink.gif


oooOOOhhhh nasty


But don't think that will get you out of chores on "AWOL" biggrin.gif You will still have to tend to ropes, anchor, fenders duty, scrubbing decks, and of course baiting up for the skipper smile.gif Oh almost forgot full monty breakies and loads of tea tongue.giftongue.giflaugh.gif


Speedy recovery matey




Sorry to hear about your finger Paul. Brought back horrible memories,of when I caught my Wedding ring on a protruding screw head on a lorry tailgate when I jumped down. { I havent worn it since] apparently a very common injury amongst working men..shudder shudder ....jack




Bet your glad you did it here and not in Alderney as it would have hert your


wallet AS WELL there is no NHS in Alderney


hope you better soon


mark w


Dan had a wedding ring incident on his honeymoon, he went to the gym and dropped a dumbell on his finger crushing his new wedding ring onto his finger, the maintenane guy had to cut it off his finger or something like that.....im sure he will fill you in!



Helen had to have her Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring cut off during our honeymoon in Turkey ( she was stung on the finger by a wasp ).



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