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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Our weekend at the wsf meet started off fairly uneventful even on the fish front. Left Poole at a very reasonable hour. Stopped off at Kimmeridge to have a go for Bream but it seemed devoid of life apart from 1 Pollock of about 1/2lb for Dean. Started the anchor recovery using our trusty buoy, anchor tripped then disappeared leaving us with a floating buoy, rope and chain, no anchor, damn. Next Stop Mupe rocks for a drift, it just looks so bassy but nothing there either so set a course for Portland harbour. The trip across Weymouth bay was a little lumpier than expected but uneventful. Feathered up some mackerel for bait to give us a start for Sunday. Next stop Weymouth harbour to find our berth, wash and brush up and meet the rest of the guys at the sailors return.


Day 2 saw Dean and I up and strolling around at 7:30 to find somewhere for breakfast then back on the boat and out to the shambles. First drift Dean gets into a Brill of 6lb 13oz a good start to the day we thinks. Then


well you impressed others with the boat at least Martin -


"I think Ospreyman got him started and he opted to scoot back to Poole, don't know who it was but he had a hell of a nice boat!."


Sorry to hear about the troubles.


From the way you wrote up the experience it sounds like a textbook approach - although I might have held of anchoring on the basis that without power or engine I might struggle to recover it and it would make another boat coming alongside a touch trickier.


These portable power packs are certainly usefull things and can even kick over these marine diesels - but then again they need to be as maintained as one of your normal batteries .......


Glad you got back OK and that certainly sounds like a great fish for Dean.



Glad all ended well Martin, agree textbook approach, and a Pan Pan to alert the coastguard was very prudent.


Was the anchor shackle "moused" with monel wire? Have heard of a few falling off without! I'd recommend that for ALL members.


Grim losing all electrics - and good to hear those emergency power packs do work.


Hope the upgrades make the difference!




Sorry to hear about your troubles Messrs Burt, but well done for setting such a good example in dealing with the situation in such a calm and collected manner. cool.gif


As many have said before, it's all in the preparation.




Nice fish Dean and a nice tubby too


Sorry to hear of the electrical problems, well done for the calm way you dealt with it all, a very good example for those with less experiance/training/preperation.


I used Cribbs tyres and batteries for my last one a big saving on the previous ones and john lives close to you.


I hope all can be sorted ready for this weekend.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Well done Martin for flying the PBSBAC flag again....


Thoughts about the Anchor, thats two thats in the same spot - same thing....


I would think there were divers down there, or crabs with marlin spikes....



Come on Adam - next dive - you know you want to !!!!!!





Martin sorry to hear you had so many problems especially as we should have been going down with you.


Hope you sort out all the problems and are back out fishing soon Craig.


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