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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Sorry for the delay in posting chaps - been working away this week...


Anyway - as has been posted already, Sunday is another comp, and the last in the BFM series.


Format is best specimen, so book in your best % fish with Paul or me.


The forecast is looking decidedly iffy - windy this week, but dying off - buy will it go quicker - anyway, lets hold fire until Fri / Sat and I'll post up with a decision.


Book in here if you havent on the other thread!




Not looking good chaps I'm afraid. I'm sure fishable areas will be findable, but looking at it across the board and trying to pick weather that suits all of the boats in the club, general forecasts seem to be F4 edging F5 from the West.


I'll make a final decision tomorrow afternoon, but it needs to get a hell of allot better!!




Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis


Strong winds are forecast

Inshore waters forecast

24 hour forecast: 1900 Fri 27 Jun 1900 Sat 28 Jun

Wind Southwesterly 5 to 7, decreasing 4 or 5 later.

Sea state Moderate or rough.

Weather Occasional rain or drizzle, fog patches for a time, fair later.

Visibility Moderate or good, occasionally very poor at first.


Outlook: 1900 Sat 28 Jun 1900 Sun 29 Jun

Wind Southwesterly 4 or 5, occasionally 6.

Sea state Moderate or rough.

Weather Mainly fair.

Visibility Moderate or good.



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