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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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glorious weekend perfect for fishing only 2nd time afloat this year! however bass still eluded us. after speaking to 2 separate fisherman on the slip both had good catches using livebait. can anybody suggest what type of livebait apart from mackeral which seemed hard to come by. used to be able to purchase live sandeels on poole quay but have never gathered them myself so have little knowledge how to go about it.


tight lines


paul + maria


Hi Paul and Maria,



Try catching a few small wrasse or pout off the side of the quay and use those as live bait drifting around the harbour entrance - or alternatively join the club and all sorts of marks and information will become available to you!


Please rember everything inside of a line approx. between the fuel barge and Salterns marina is a bass nursery area and this includes the back of Brownsea for those that target bass off Goathorn!!!




For information


Fishing for bass from any vessel, as well as, fishing for any species of sea-fish using sand-eels (ammodytidae) as bait, is prohibited in 37 separate areas for all or part of the year. These areas, their extent and the seasonal duration of the prohibition are set out below. The legislation is Statutory Instrument 1999 No 75 The Bass (Specified Areas) (Prohibition of Fishing) (Variation) Order 1999).


The nursery areas comprise river estuaries, harbours and power station outfalls where juvenile bass usually predominate and are more easily caught, particularly during the summer months. In certain nursery areas, fishing may also be subject to other restrictions implemented by the local sea fisheries committee or the Environment Agency [National Rivers Authority]. Such restrictions may include prohibitions on the setting of fixed nets or restrictions on the use of mobile gear.


The prohibition on bass fishing in nursery areas does not apply to fishing from the shore. However it is expected that shore anglers and their associations will respect the need for this prohibition and return to the sea any bass caught within nursery areas.

Pooles Nursery area is defined as follows:

all tidal waters enclosed by a line drawn 011

Right, having checked in another post, Alec, our sponsor bait man usually has sand eels in season and you can collect from his house early.



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