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Guys, I am nearing completion on the MK 1 well, all I need is the main container item - preferably a 25/30 litre oval or round drum with screw type lid..........Ive got the 12v airpump and stone, small bilge pump for over the side, entry and exit fittings, updraught for the inlet, and all flexi pipes..............having looked at many different designs, I am sure that the round or oval tanks offer better chance of survival, giving no corners for the bait to swim into. The addition of an airpump is for road transport, when the bilge intake can't be used, the updraught will direct even flow around the tank, not creating a vortex in the centre.


I am awaiting replies from UK plastics companies re an american design that the Bass fishermen use out there, but if anyone has any ideas of local firms who may offer suitable plastic kit, let me know. Failing that, I'll order one from the States, or pick one up when we visit next month...................Bob, have you seen any designs on your world travels?????


Finally, if anyone wants to trial the finished item, contact me, and please try it out, and give me feedback..............I feel that there is a market for this item, and will start producing some, of a similar design if this is successful.




Newboy said he could get the plastic drums??...


Ill try it out, just let me know when ready. Where do you plug the bilge in? Does it have a ciggie lighter on one end?


The buckets I have is about 12" diameter by 12" high, not sure about litreage, 20l (?) rough guess. The lids are not screw type, but push on tight fit type.


Let me know if they are any good, I have 2 now, and 1 at monthly interval, I can drop them off to you (you're @soton, right?) if you want, I tend to be in/near soton every other week.


Adam, the system will run from a gelpac type dry cell 12v battery, I use them for the tractor mowers, so they can start a twin cylinder diesel tractor!!! They should hold charge for a days fishing.........haven't recharged very often yet, so am unsure of memory levels in this type of battery. The unit will be totally self contained, for ease of use.


The type of plastic drum I am seeking is a high impact type plastic that wont shatter when cold, or become too pliable when warm. I know that they are out there.......gamekeepers use them for small feeders for pheasants. The ones I have seen are blue in colour with a black lid.


Cheers Newboy, for the offer of a bucket......I dont think they will be strong enough for this application.


Adam, I'll let you try it out when its finished, hopefully later today if I can prise the container I've spotted in a mates shed out of his grasp wink.gif


Regards, Rich


No worries.


Regarding the battery, I think you'll find that the mower 12v battery is basicly an auto battery (like those used on bikes) and they have to be continiously charged by the alternator. They don't like being discharge completely very often or the cells will die prementrally.


A leisure battery will be a better bet, they are cheap as chip, around


Regarding the buckets, if you're friendly with any bakers in your area, ask them if they have any large buckets? They are used to hold ingredients etc. Same as what I use them for. Have a look, if they are no good, it still doesn't cost you a penny.


Thanks Newboy..........Ive tried a few batteries, and these gel pac ones are ok, and, like the ones you suggested, are cheap. I've managed to blagg a container form a river keeper I work with, picking it up on monday, next.

Will bung everything together and let Adam trial it.............pensive thoughts!!






Why are you worrying about a seperate battery?


It can all be rigged to a 12volt supply.


my first one was made up with the wires from the pump into a Choc Block type connector and a choice of three connections from there to the 12 volt supply.

[ only one was connected at any given time]


1. plug for connecting to boats 12 volt system

2. two crocadile clips large enough to go straight on to a car battery

3. plug for the cigar lighter in the car.


as the latest one is a bit bigger and tends to stay on the boat it is just wired up for the option 1 above.


using the boat/car battery saves any doubts about charging up, and saves carrying a battery about just for the tank.


Hope that helps



The battery will be for transport between live bait collection........on land for sandeels, the pumps have leads with decent croc clips for attatchment to existing boat battery



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