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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Abode 11 ok but no car to launch.

Jackie and i will be in Poole Sat and if the offer still open would love to take you up on it Martin.

Pm me your Mob and home and will ring for times ETC


Craig wink.gifwink.gif

Posted (edited)

With the recent posts no wonder you've to be quick on the mark!


I'll be hitting the refresh button all day tomorrow just in catch anybody else has got space for one (rather than 2). biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Sorry Craig, I not trying to jump the queue.

Edited by Simon

I'm looking forward to a trip out on Enticer tomorrow thanks to Gordon stepping in while Fugazi was out of action. I didn't know when I arranged Sunday with

Gordon how long it would take to sort things out, but the good news is that after an afternoons work yesterday replacing brake shoes on the trailer and a mornings work today fixing the power trim Fugazi is serviceable again. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


See you out there guys!

Gordon H

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