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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took up Rich's offer of a trip on Warren today in search of flatties in the harbour.


Lovely morning......calm, bright and so much warmer than recently.....just the tonic to whisk away my runny nose\thick head cold!!


Up the harbour with the flooding tide to a familiar spot....but the water was very murky with churned up sediment. An hour or two here was slow, with just one to my float rig.........so a move to the other side of the channel. Equally slow at first but after using both cuppa \ sarnie and pee diversions, nothing happened until we threatened another move; this instantly prompted two bites and two better fish, both on my rods.......so now 3 - 0 ... and Rich is looking confused!!


The tide changes and the ebb is pulling too hard....so move to mark 3.... another fav., ...... and the most reliable........ two more to me [ poor Rich is now looking lost!!].......then one that almost pulls Rich's float rod over and up comes the best of the day at 2lbs 8 oz. .....some sanity restored!!


Despite one more move, that was it.......so back in in the light......with my cold feeling much better.


If not too tired, I'll pop out tomorrow and finish off the worms .... somewhere else??






Al - I'd give Xchurch a go - local sources tell me it's fishing it's nuts off!


Let me know if you want to do a 1/2 day session this week - I'll work from the Xchurch office!


Thanks for the company on Tuesday Alun. It was great to get out on the water on such a nice day.

At five flounders to nil by early afternoon I was becoming somewhat perplexed, but eventually persistance paid of and I went back wth one in the box.

After analysing the day I am putting a lot of the blame for my poor results down to my bait presentation. I was also using shop rag as opposed to Alun's dug worms. I am convinced it makes a difference.

Whatever the results it was a very pleasant day out.



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