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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well....... just for the weather today.. it was a big YES !!


Despite -3 C this morning at 7 when I launched........ 2 coats, thermal boots, hat , scarf etc.. flat calm and clear sky held prospect of some warming sun ... soon!!


A slow thaw\warm up in the lower [Christchurch] harbour saw absolutely no action from any flounders with the first few hours of the flood. My bucketful of prime Poole rag, dug last week with the big tides, is lasting longer than expected !! [ I'll give them one more go on Mon., before being convinced they're off to spawn !!]


So a change of scene mid\late morning.......... putting the float rods to one side and reaching for the whiting\cod gear.........it was a quick move on a flat sea out past the Dolphin Sands..... to find the end of a screaming tide... and the need for 1lb. leads!!


Although it was really slow, the lovely [almost warm!!] sun, flat calm and clear air was recompense enough. Ch 6 was buzzing and mob tinkling showed others were about and also enjoying the late winter sun and just being OUT !


As the tide backed off a bit, bites started coming ....... and a few whiting came aboard. ... mostly small, but a few for the box, with the best going 2 lbs. 6 oz. All went dead at the slack.....and didn't improve much with the first of the ebb. As the flow soon got up again, I tried a move inshore to some deep water at the back of the Ledge;;;; much more fishable without massive leads.....but only dogs and pout showed here before a hasty retreat over the Bar whilst there was still plenty of water!!


Late Feb can be tricky and unrewarding........ but not today!!




No probs........ loads of water in the river\harbour. I came in at 4.45; shallowest was 1.4 m over the Bar [second buoy from the outside].




Nice one Alun


Good to read that there are some fish about.


Lovely weather here too, but not so fishy



Then again I am in a Italian hotel on the edge of the Med tongue.gif with the Dolomites in the distance laugh.gif




I decided to take Enticer out on Saturday (she was feeling neglected) and picked Dan up on the way to Baiter for an 8.00am launch.


Lovely flat sea and the plan was the 50/50 banks for rays whilst the tide was running then on to our favourite quarry, eels tongue.gif


We only gave the banks an hour or so before deciding to get on a wreck ready for a slowing tide. Whilst on the banks Fugazi came along side with his good lady giving the new engine a test run. The Optimax looked and sounded great Gordon, I bet she flys


Well, at the wreck, first the mud / gravel bottom saw us dragging anchor twice, until a bit of improvisation, 4lb of lead tied on the chain / warp shackle did the job perfectly.


Well it was a shame about the accuracy of my anchoring as it took a further 3 attempts to get on the money. The effort paid off as we were into fish from the off with some really gentle bites more like soft dog fish bites than 20lb + congers. We managed to get five on the boat the best at 42lb and another half a dozen missed or dropped before we drifted off the mark. Reanchoring on the ebb (Twice weep.gif Must get a bigger plotter ) produced another small one before we set back off home again on flat seas so gave the engine a good clear out biggrin.gif



Sunshine, calm seas, good company, good food and a few eels to boot, what more could you ask biggrin.gif













Sounds good Gordon, good improve to get the pick in, sounds like a bit more chain required. wink.gif


Better than driving through the trafic to Bristol and an Easy Jet flight.


Hope the crew worked hard wink.giflaugh.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Nice one Gordon. I took Neo out today to "clear the cobwebs". No fishing but was good to check that all was running OK.


Roll on the Spring.



i envy you guys at the mo.

the brissy channel is fishing so bad at the mo we haven't taken our boat out since 4th jan.

got a charter out of penarth on saturday so hopefully things will have improved a bit and we might get a few spurs.


What a great day to be out on the water yesterday, why is it never that calm in the summer? The conditions were just perfect for some serious cruising from Christchurch down to St Aldhems and back via Swanage, Old Harry and Poole Entrance. passing a few familiar faces on the way. Very impressed with the effortless and relaxed 20 knot cruise speed the extra 40 hp gives and Fugazi now has the first few hours on the engine. Still running in so limited to 4500 rpm but as that equates to 30 knots there won't be many day like yesterday when I would be able to run at full throttle. Must get some full seat harnesses fitted for that one!


Gordon H



Took the Grinch out for a run on saturday afternoon to get a few more hours practice. No rods on Board so Just a quick trip from Wick to the needles and back. I know its not far for some of you but its probably the furthest ive been from land since getting the boat in the water in october. Great weather and sea conditions for learning more about the boat.


I think i past Gordon and Fugazi on their way back in to Christchurch.


Have spent this evening looking at some of your photo's on the forum I must remember to take my camera. ( There is some cracking photo,s on here )


Adam is your dad Graham i think i match fish with him on the little ponds?





Took Whistler out for first time since God knows when. Crew had 7lb cod(ling) first drop! We then struggled for a few pout and a whiting. Moved further off and caught one pout on some very interesting bottom structure!

Stopped a mile off canford cliffs on the way back and had a bite a cast for an hour with dogs, pout and a spotted ray. Considering the time of year we were chuffed!

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