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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all

managed to get out last nite as planned with Mappo and his dad, the plan was off to Xray for a ray till dark then on to the ledge,

Its was blowing a northley 3 or 4 when we left and we thourght it would be calmish out there, was it heck!! sick.gif just for a change a lumpy snotty sea,again!! mad.gif

But it didnt stop the fish from biteing After about an hour I had a mad spell with 3 fish on in about 20 minites the first was a small eye of 9lb 12oz then anouther of 10lb 12oz on a live mackrel!!! then as that was haveing its mug shot taken my rod was off again but the hook pulled.

On the ledge my luck was still in tongue.gif as I managed a conger first cast but just a baby of 25lbs. then we sat there for 3 hours with out a bite, Thats fishing I suppose!

Tight lines





It was turning lumpy when we were out there. Wind against tide and all that. That's why you saw us coming back ( my friends 6 year old was turning green ).

Had some good sport fishing single feather on a light rod for mackeral. Had a couple of doggies and then it started chopping up so came back into the harbour.


Better luck tomorrow hopefully.




I think jimbob has to be the luckiest,jammiest,spawniest angler i've ever fished with. a bloody small eye on live mackerel!!!!!!. i think he must be very in touch with his feminine side contributing to unusually high amounts of pheromones on his hands or something! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Hi James,


Can you give me a clue where ' X-ray ' might be ?? would fancy the chance of catching a ray or two as a change from bream [ which don't seem to be so abundant this year ].


Had a good session last summer out of Weymouth, near the Ringstead Ledges, with a mixed catch of rays and bass but haven't found the dustbin lids in abundance down this end........ have I been missing out ??




James.....two very good Rays, what's the club record for small eyed??????? And yes very spawney on live mackeral, however, you cant be spawney every time you fish, i think its consisitently good angling...............now, when can we get out next, Jimbob!!!! wink.gif




The club records about 14lb for small eyes, Its strange though they all the ones I catch average between 8 and 10 1/2lb Its a big average But thats year after year ,so they must stop growing about that size???

Rich always up for a trip Hopefully the weather in august is better that it has been.

as soon as the weather sorts it self out will organise some dates.

Alun ive sent you a pm.



Simon,I was thinking of bottleing up some sweat!!!!!: to sell as a fish attractor for large amounts of cash at the local tackle shops!! P tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Its got nowt to do with spawnyness - its the speed he fishes...it makes me feel dizzy. I dont know anyone who can bait up, cast, hook, play and land 3 fish all at the same time whilst having a fag and eating a sandwich!! laugh.giftongue.gif


It makes BW look like a bomb has hit it at the end of the day mind!!!

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