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Hi Guys

I have a tide table book from Davies Tackle. Looking on the net I also use Easytide, and today I looked up tide times from the BBC and Wileys.

They all seem to differ, take todays first low water... Davies said 0825 and easytide said 0623, high water with Davies 1510 and easytide 1615,

In your opinion which is more accurate, with the bar at the entrance being a bit critical I have a 'need to know' feeling!


Fri 15 May


01:48 08:39 17:15 21:18

1.6 m 0.6 m 1.6 m 0.9 m


Sat 16 May


05:00 09:22 18:04 22:16

1.5 m 0.6 m 1.7 m 0.9 m



where are you looking for ? im assuming Christchurch? which is listed above.

are you adjusting it for daylight savings time?


I always use easytide





Being a simple man, I distrust tide tables - they're all calculated by different complex algorythms and we all know about software bugs, and as for variations in pressure and wind direction strength, well ! And remembering the semiamphidromic system of tides in Poole, we all know about the fun of double-highs and single lows.


The week has 7 days for a good reason - the phases of the moon take 7 days to pass, and we all know that you get Spring Tides at full and new moons (ish).


Well, if you check the tides for Poole, if the moon is full or new, then low tide is about tea-time. If it's a half moon, then low tide is lunch time. The middle bits you interpolate logically as being in the middle somewhere.


Simple? Of course I am. Why else do I have a 5'6" keel.






Certainly looks like you have forgotten to tick the box for Daylight Savings Time which would then make


EasyTide 08:39 which is pretty much comparable with Davies Tackle time of 08:25


Also of importance is the size of the tide ( eg. I can exit Christchurch on a LW neap tide but no chance on a spring LW ).

Also the current weather will affect the water height. High Pressure will mean the tide height is lower and low pressure can have the opposite affect.


Prevailing winds can have the effect of delaying the HW time a bit ( I think Easterly winds hold back the tide to a degree and westerly can bring HW earlier ? )


I usually use EasyTide and look up Christchurch Entrance - aiming to be 2 hrs either side of LW if a spring.


Finally, if you navigate the run on a LW spring and feel really pleased with yourself try to avoid hitting the Beerpan rocks shortly afterwards unsure.gif

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