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Don't forget the clubs first meeting of 2025 on Tuesday the 4th February ×

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Hi everyone,


As you may have seen , I was fortunate enough to catch a specimen Spurdog today.


As well as being an active member of this Club I am also in a Navy veteran's one, so I recorded the fish on our website and with them on a very busy WhatsApp group.


This has raised a bit of an issue regarding the correct specimen size. Our Club is using 16lb and the Navy 14lb.


I though that my other Club was wrong, as I thought we had it changed some years ago.  The secretary of that Navy Club tells me that he has checked the AT website.


Can someone please check. sorry to cause a problem.





Sorry to be a pain with this.

I am not doing this to get any extra percentage, but its odd that I have two Clubs using different sizes on their lists.


I have just been to the chandlers here at work, and checked a couple of tide books, that agree with the one I copied yesterday.


I have now  also checked the Angling Trust website.

on the 2019/20 list it shows Spurdog at 16lb

On the later 2022/23 list, Spurdogs are 14lb, it looks like they may have changed the weights again.






Thinking back a few years ago we did deviate from some AT specimen sizes for certain species.  Not sure if spurdog was one of them. We did approach AT for them to to change theirs.  The thinking at the time was that certain species were fairly easy to achieve 100% when really a 100% fish should be s special achievement rather than a regular occurrence.

Not sure how we can check these amendments without going through years of minutes.  

6 minutes ago, Maverick Martin said:

Thinking back a few years ago we did deviate from some AT specimen sizes for certain species.  Not sure if spurdog was one of them. We did approach AT for them to to change theirs.  The thinking at the time was that certain species were fairly easy to achieve 100% when really a 100% fish should be s special achievement rather than a regular occurrence.

Not sure how we can check these amendments without going through years of minutes.  

Thanks Martin

I remember that too, but it looks like they changed it, then changed it back.


Even worse that AT website shows that info, but Wessex AT is different?


I thought we as a Club decided to follow the AT sizes. For clarity and simplicity . Lol 😉


Ah just checked the Wessex AT specimen sizes which states the same as us ie Spurdog 16lb

I gave up with the AT main site as trying to find anything is a nightmare.


Wessex area D is what our specimen sizes are based on but may not be exactly the same as ours


seems strange to have two Clubs using different sizes.


My Friend who runs the other one used to write and publish tide books, before retiring last year.

He is an admin fanatic, so keeps up to date with information. Especially as he likes to keep RNRMAA well up the list of Clubs reporting specimens.


He tells me that AT change or review sizes every three years and next update is due in 2026.

that lines up with what I found this morning one 2019 and another 2022.



14 hours ago, biggcol said:

Charlie I definitely remember that we voted to up our specimen size for Spurs. Not sure when it was but we were still up at Ashley Road. Well done on a good fish.

Thanks Colin


I remember that too, but I thought we had it changed by the AT and followed them.

Must have forgotten that we went our own way.


Have we done that with any other species?

Is it recorded anywhere?

If not there are probably a couple we could apply that logic too.  Reduction for Tope and Flounder for example.


I thought AT had changed but I’m not 100% sure on that. This subject should be good for discussion tonight. Don’t think we can make it tonight.

5 minutes ago, biggcol said:

I thought AT had changed but I’m not 100% sure on that. This subject should be good for discussion tonight. Don’t think we can make it tonight.

Looks like they changed it, then changed it back.

according to their website


We have been following the AT specimen sizes for the local area ie Area D, there was a discussion about deciding on changes by ourselves but I don't thing we ever did




A few years back we requested the specimen size be increased for Spurdog and Undulate (maybe another as well) and they duly did so at their review meeting. We have not made any recent requests to change, other clubs may have done so and I'm not sure we would necessarily become automatically aware when one changed


Just going from their home page I didn't find this link or any list of specimen sizes but there it is on their website. I will follow up with them on this.



14 hours ago, Steve S said:




The list on the main angling trust site is different for spurdog (14lb) and is also a later date, I think we should be going with that one.


Clearly our lists need an overhaul. Will discuss at tonight's meeting

Thanks Steve,

Just a little confusing, but worth getting to the bottom of, before they update again in 2026.

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