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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Both are wrong!

It's a diabolical system abused by greedy people. The boat should have been confiscated as well.


Write to your MEP about it and attach a link to the red Scottish trawler video clip as well.




MFA must cringe at such outcomes - surely if guilty the penalty must significantly exceed the benefit gained? Otherwise thecriminal activity is inherently profitable


As long as the "system" requires skippers to dump huge amounts of dead fish back into the sea, it seems likely that some will be tempted to break the rules and land their catches illegally


Surely the above should be taken into consideration tho??




Statement from the Angling Trust responding to the sentencing of the Newlyn based W Stevensons and Sons


Anglers concerned at light sentence for Newlyn commercial fishermen

The Angling Trust has reacted with dismay to the judgement passed by Judge Phillip Wassal when he gave a two-year conditional discharge instead of a fine to Newlyn-based W Stevenson and Sons at Exeter Crown Court . The company was convicted on eight charges of dealing in


Well done Paul. You beat me to it!

Good to see Angling Trust is making it's voice heard.


But much more will be achieved if we do what they suggest. Write to MFA and your MP and your MEP.


Angling Trust are taking the lead, we owe it to ourselves to follow.




Don't let them get away with it - sign the petition - PJ


Angling Trust launches campaign for review of Newlyn "black fish" judgement



Sign up and make a difference

The Angling Trust has today launched a campaign to force the relevant authorities to appeal against the judgement passed by Judge Phillip Wassal at Exeter Crown Court when he gave a two-year conditional discharge instead of a fine to Newlyn-based W Stevenson and Sons. The company was convicted on eight charges of dealing in

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