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As reported in BFM this month. Two boats were stolen from Gosport and District Angling Club on Friday 25th July.


Warrior 165 ( Hull number GBWBT000081300 ) with a black Suzuki 70 HP 4 Stroke OB - serial number 07001F370001/375000 on a Rollercoaster 3 trailer s/n 060200. The warrior was called ZIGGY ( printed on Cuddy )


and Explorer Elite Hull number GBEBLE082CH303 with a dark blue Evinrude Ficht am Injection 75 HP O/B s/n 05034301 also on a rollercoaster 3 trailer. The explorer had no name


Both boast last seen ( twice ) heading West on the A27 having first been seen between Stubbington and Titchfield at approx 6 PM on the 25th July.


Marine theft has been on the up for the past decade, with V & A articles like marine electrics on most boats, these are the first to be ripped out and sold.


Club members should be in the habit of logging serial numbers for all their valuable and attractive equipment like fish finders and VHF sets, chart plotters etc, marking them with U V pens, a post code in a discreet area suffices, and a digital image of each item stored on a CD Rom is invaluable to the recovery of stolen items.


Any details like scratches on Hulls, or engines, should also be noted, and this makes identity far easier for plod on the street, who, (like me!!!!) doesn't know the transom from the gunwall, or the cuddy from the rowlocks!!!!


Engine serial numbers should also be photographed to show that the engine DID have a number, before they are either ground out or plates removed.


Perhaps it might be an idea for the club to ask the skipper from the Dorset Constabulary Marine Unit to come to a club meeting and give a presentation on marine crime.


I was out with the lads from the Police club last Tuesday......last trip out before Florida, and a craft was recovered farther along the coast, with the Marine unit Skipper being updated by Mobile phone as the recovery ensued, so as useless as they appear when stopping you for minor traffic violations, cops do have their uses!!!!!!!


Evening all!!!!! Rich

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