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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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we had a good day of sun yesterday and we made the most of it by getting out on the boat for a spin around the gulf . we launched at 7am from browns bay beach and headed out to the noises which is group of small lsland north of rangitoto. the sea was like a mill pond as I don't really know were to fish I just followed the other boats it was so good to be out has I have not been out for a while due to a leaking tank . soon as we reached there after a trip of 20mins we found a nice drop off on the sounder from 40ft to 110ft so we droped anchor and fished in to the drop off .

I set up the boys rods and got them casted out and within seconds of droping the bait james is in he has hooked a kohawai and the poor little bloke strugled to reel it in as theses fish fight very well it weighted just under 2lb but he loved it ' so it was my turn then a small snapper which went back my mate had a few small one but nothing that big so we pulled up the anchor and moved to the worm beds for some driffing. ryan was the first to catch with the first keeper nice little snapper with nice blue spots on it . As the day went on the sea started to blow up so we started to head back stopping on the way for some driffing, by the end of the day we took 4 snapper home for tea but we caught 25 to 30 fish between four of us oh and I nearly forgot the kohawai we caught 4 of them aswell . on the way to one of the marks we fished, we were joined by a pod of dolphins that were jumping in my wake and swimming right next to the boat I could of touched them they were that close it was nice for the boys to see them i will put some photos up the only down side of the day was that i got burnt on the backs on legs the sun is so strong here.



Great day and report Mark , thanks for letting us know.


Its really good to see you and the boys enjoying the boat and getting some fish well done.


Its been blowing here for weeks, which is a right pain.



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