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That is the puzzling bit for me. I have never seen a mullet angler take a fish, they release them all anyway.


The damage to the mullet stocks is done by the netting of mullet, not anglers taking fish.


The other change of note is that Christchurch Angling Club have effectively been evicted from the harbour and lower reaches ( that is my understanding ) ?


BWH full article here :-


Catch and Release


What a farce!!! One fisherman netted out a whole shoal of Mullet a couple of years ago and then went back for more. There is no chance while this sort of thing is allowed to continue. The netters just wait til we get heavy rain which pushes the Bass out of the harbour and the run and then take the lot.


Just so long as we the anglers, save the stocks for the short sighted, greedy, money grabbing, selfish, I'm alright Jack Fishermen thats's O.K. eh?


Before anyone says it's their living,I know all that, but come on when will officialdom wake up and see the writing on the wall?


That's it rant over for Christmas but it just makes me so ANGRY!!!!!!!!




I'm assuming it won't affect my flounder fishing right down at the bottom, which I think is classed as the sea even though the water doesn't have any salt in it at this time of year\ river flow.



I'm assuming it won't affect my flounder fishing right down at the bottom, which I think is classed as the sea even though the water doesn't have any salt in it at this time of year\ river flow.



Don't know.... it says any fish caught in the river or the harbour. huh.gif


I can see major enforcement problems for RDAA and B&WH water, as for the river sections, its pretty easy to cover the bankside and speak to anglers, and to certain extent control their access points, and place signs advising of "No fishing" or "Private waters" etc we have all seen these signs.


However the potential access points to the Harbour are many and varied, and once afloat how is this going to be policed. Would you now be stopped by a B&WH Baliff as you recover at Mudeford and have to justify where you caught your fish ??


You also wonder about the numbers of holidaymakers who launch here with a fishing rod stuck in the boat, presumably, they would now have to produce a licence or day ticket if asked ?


I think possibly the current owners have been very cany in selling these rights to RDAA, good luck if they think they can recover their costs!!!






All part of a dastardly plot me thinks !!! Hidden agendas and Politics are such an underhand way to gain advantage and it usually ends up disadvantaging the innocent masses.

OOOppps soz musn't get caught up in this !!


Dave rolleyes.gif

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