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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm sorry to read of this. I've used his shop for years and whilst never knew Shaun other than to chat, I've have been impressed with the level of service and enthusiasm.


My thoughts are with his family.


Just heard about this. Known Shaun for 15 odd years, way before he had the CAC shop. Drank with him, played pool with him, argued and fought with him, so sad to loose a mate ..... I will miss him, and I know loads of others will too.

My thoughts go out for his family..

So sad

Dave weep.gifweep.gif


All my sympathy to wife and daughters. I walked into his shop at 8.00 today and felt gutted to hear this news. His repartee' and humour( usually rude) made a visit to his store a personal pleasure. The humour was always accompanied by an equal measure of helpfull advice that made you aware this guy knows his stuff. He will be missed . Terry.


Shaun was a good friend and will be missed.

90% of my fishing was done with shaun Boat Beach and course

I still cant believe it


My thoughts go to his family



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