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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With the new Aquafish almost ready for delivery (it went to the London Boatshow on display, and attracted a fair bit of attention), and unfortunately the Quicksilver still not sold, we urgently need to borrow or rent a trailer to take the latter, so we can get the new one straight on the mooring. Can anyone help please?


Fingers crossed,


Many thanks,




PS wanted to attach picture of Aquafish, but file size not accepted and I don't know how to resize or alter to make it acceptable!




Not sure if anyone has a trailer available in the club but Ambrose Trailers at Barrack Road rent out trailers just not sure if they rent out trailers suitable for boats, worth a call.


Ref sizing picutures: open your picure in Microsoft paint. use the scew and stretch tool to reduce the size. Save as a new file then try uploading here again





This has benn discussed before and I believe that a member had hired a trailer from Ambrose and it had zero brakes!!!!!


A while ago now but somthing to check if towing far!


Could you not pop the QS on a morring for the duration of the collection (assuming you can use the trailer you already have) - I expect there are members here with mooring free or know of ones that are.


Thanks Martin and Rob for your suggestions. If anyone knows of a mooring free that would be great - we don't have our own trailer at all, unfortunately, and don't know how long it's going to take to sell her.

If it comes down to hiring a trailer from Ambrow, we will definitely be checking the brakes!!

Any more comments gratefully received.




That sounds a bit more promising - can you remember the name of the company at Southampton? Ambrow definitely sound over the top - an alternative option has got to be good news!



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