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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


Went out of Weymouth on Sunday with father-in-law, he is not a good sailor sick.gif


My intention was to head for the Shambles but sea state and father-in-laws tummy said otherwise!


Tried to get some shelter from the sea and wind close in to Portland headland but it was still lumpy and drifting did not help.


BB was right about the fishing comp on the breakwater near the Hood it was packed! sad.gif


Anchored just away from it and managed to pick up two baby smooties, pout, scad, pout and mackeral.


Portland harbour water was full of white sea horses and a fair chop produced by the stong wind so we did not venture too far in.


On the seaward side of the breakwaters there was plenty of mackeral so for next weeks Trail away you should be alright for bait! Famous last words.


We did not stay out too long as he was not well but it was good to get out but a shame not to meet up with you all. sad.gif


Good news is we hope to have a buyer for our house biggrin.gif bad news is we can not find what we are looking for yet weep.gif


Will have to rent a house for a while if unable to find what we want but at least I might get some fishing in before the winter sets in. wink.gifwink.gif







What a difference a day makes! I went out from Weymouth on Sat. ....... a beautiful morning; calm, sunny and warm after a chilly start......


Whizzed over to Ringstead Ledges ...... loads of mackeral for bait and some whoppers to keep for the grilll.


Fished several spots on the rough ground and the deeper sandy bottom......... milllions of doggies interspersed with a few rays...... kept 5 medium size thornbacks........ but no bass..... just cuttlefish and crab to add to the culinary distractions [ great starters for our seafood supper ].


That freshening breeze...... against the tidal stream..... made for a bumpy second half.....that changed the day but didn't spoil it !!




Coddy shame about your trip last Sunday we had same weather up our end.


Good news on the house sales front I'll keep everything crossed that you find what your looking for.


On the fishing front we tend to fish through the winter months for cod and whiting, we dont get a lot of cod but they are usually of a large size. Bring it on!


Alun nice report, indeed a day can make all the difference and it certainly seemed to last week-end



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