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  • Interests
    Fishing, football, beer
  • Boat Name
    Four Buoys

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Cod Hauler

Cod Hauler (4/6)



  1. Sounds like a great trip
  2. Have you gone for it guys, have a great trip if you have.
  3. Do you have a junior section? In our club we now have a junior secretary that organises around 4 comps a year on club boats. This is predominantly on their family boats. We charge £5 a child and there is a prize for all at the end. We also arrange charter trips for them, just 4 hours which the club members have subsidised. We're up to around 12 junior members now which considering we have less than 50 senior members isn't bad.
  4. Surely those blonde ray weights are wrong?
  5. dicky

    Pirate 21

    Anyone know of a Pirate 21 for sale, after the later model with the self draining deck. Thanks
  6. Well done, nice blue. We've been trailing down there every September for the last 4 years now and love it, just wish it was closer.
  7. We had 5 days in Fowey last week. Had a couple of sessions on the sharks landing 8 to over 100lb. Didn't see a single tuna though, last year they were everywhere. We fish around 12-14 miles out. Only caught about 6 mackerel which is a concern!!
  8. dicky


    £1500 a year to keep on a trailer? really? That's ridiculous. Do you get free use of a launching tractor for that?
  9. Charlie Read all my post as that calculation was just working out the oz. Underneath i had the complete weight. Also if over .5 you round up not down lol
  10. Those scales are reading in pounds and decimals. to get the ounces then multiply 16 by the decimal so 16 X .98 = 15.7 oz 16 X .28 = 4.9 oz Undulate was between 15lb 15.7oz and 16lb 4.9oz Spotty was 4lb 11.2 oz using weight shown on scales (4.70) Hope that makes sense.
  11. dicky

    New Joiner

    Not quite but only a few miles apart in landlocked Oxfordshire lol
  12. dicky

    New Joiner

    Your Witney near Carterton.
  13. dicky

    New Joiner

    When you get a bite are you letting out line as you drift? The method for plaice on the drift is to fish holding the rod with the reel in free spool but your thumb on the spool stopping the line. The instant you feel a bite release your thumb letting out line for around 10 seconds then thumb the spool again and as the line tightens you should feel the weight of a nice spotty on the end. Oh and welcome
  14. dicky

    Boat Insurance

    Porthcawl for me too, just renewed and same as last year
  15. Nice looking engine, hope she serves you well.
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