Hi Mike
As others have said, bream gear is ideal but long shank hooks will give some protection from their teeth. They have quite small mouths but armed with chisel like teeth that they use to chew barnacles , limpets etc off rocks (apparantly).
A few years ago I caught them quite regularly when I was fishing a mark for late Bream, and I had best results using Mackerel strip. Haven't fished there for the last few years, but I'd bet they are still there. They give a great fight and they taste better than Bass! (IMHO)
I'll PM you the mark details.
They are tough as boots. I was fishing in Mexico in June this year and on a very sharp rocky ledge, I saw one on its side washing about in the surf, half in, half out , in about one inch of water. I thought it was dead, but when I went to have a look, I saw that it was feeding. It was nosing into every nook and cranny of the razor sharp rocks. When it saw me it shot off. Respect!