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Everything posted by Osprey

  1. Brilliant! Hooked for life!
  2. You could try Rok Max. They do all sorts of specialist shark gear and big game stuff.
  3. Did anyone see that Trawler programme a few years ago when a new £11m purpose built boat was launched in Scotland and on its first commissioning trip, in one haul of its nets it caught 500 tons of Mackerel. Maybe that's where the Mackerel have gone. And what about the hidden factory that was discovered in, I think Peterhead, where there was a wholesale processing plant just handling "black" fish, hundreds of tons of it. I'm afraid our own commercial fleet are no saints, it's just that the European fleet is vastly bigger and pull all the same tricks. Greed, greed and more greed. I've just read an excellent book "Silver Shoals" by Rangely-Wilson which looks at some of the problems. Well worth a read.
  4. And I was even before your time! Early 70s and I joined mainly for the boat fishing trips out of Porlock etc. Only did a few beach comps and I'm not sure I ever caught a fish in them! LOL. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread. I'll shut up now!
  5. Ahh, the opposition! Happy days.
  6. Going off piste a bit, but were you ever a member of Weston Sea Anglers Charlie? Martyn
  7. Signed, shared elsewhere, and emails sent. Madeleine Moon's response is brilliant!
  8. Thanks for that Dave. Some good answers to the perennial question!
  9. Totally agree NigelH. Let's concentrate on the positives. It's great news. George Eustace might need a bit of persuading as his constituency is in Cornwall! Let's flood him with emails.
  10. That's just terrible service but great that the insurance paid out. I bet they had some interesting discussions with the yard. Martyn
  11. Hi Mike As others have said, bream gear is ideal but long shank hooks will give some protection from their teeth. They have quite small mouths but armed with chisel like teeth that they use to chew barnacles , limpets etc off rocks (apparantly). A few years ago I caught them quite regularly when I was fishing a mark for late Bream, and I had best results using Mackerel strip. Haven't fished there for the last few years, but I'd bet they are still there. They give a great fight and they taste better than Bass! (IMHO) I'll PM you the mark details. They are tough as boots. I was fishing in Mexico in June this year and on a very sharp rocky ledge, I saw one on its side washing about in the surf, half in, half out , in about one inch of water. I thought it was dead, but when I went to have a look, I saw that it was feeding. It was nosing into every nook and cranny of the razor sharp rocks. When it saw me it shot off. Respect! Martyn
  12. Well done Nige. Glad everything went well. Nothing better than christening a new boat, or rod, or reel, or..... Martyn
  13. Nah, lose too much gear on all those railings I reckon. Martyn
  14. So sorry to hear that news Andrew. Really sickening. Martyn
  15. Brilliant fish, well done. Bet that got the heart rate going when you first saw it. Some good other fish too, great trip. Martyn
  16. "Ive had a few bad days, unfortunately days are classed on the waste of fuel for me... No fish, 40 miles
  17. Well done JW. Great way to break your duck. And on a wreck as well. There'll be no holding you now! Your Dad must be pleased (and a bit proud of you too). Love those bending rod pics, nothing like it is there? Martyn
  18. On the fly too! Brilliant! Martyn
  19. Well done Stuart. Great day to be out and a few fish as well. Can't be bad! Martyn
  20. Fabulous boat! Well done. She won't be difficult to spot out there. but no-one will be able to keep up with you!Bet you can't wait. Martyn
  21. Excellent day's fishing! Well done. Who says February fishing is pants? Martyn
  22. Cracking day's fishing Duncan. Well done. Martyn
  23. Osprey

    New member

    Welcome aboard Matt! Good move. Don't make the same mistake that I did (twice!) by forgetting to renew when the time comes. It's cost me two extra joining fees! Still, all in a good cause! Martyn
  24. Thanks Charlie, that's really useful. Just got to check those side cleats but I reckon they'll be ok. It would probably be easier to use my spare anchor rig attached to the side cleat and feed it over the bow roller when lying at anchor. When the rope is released from the bow roller, I can see how the boat would veer off to the side ready for the retrieve. Sorry Andrew for muscling in on your post but hopefully it is all relevant to you as well as we have the same issue to deal with. Martyn
  25. That's another thought! I'll check how strong mine look. Thanks Nige.
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