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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Osprey

  1. Thanks Charlie I'll give a call out too (if I get the chance in between fish! ) Anyone else coming to the Needles? Martyn
  2. I'm planning on getting out on Wednesday too. Just South of the Needles if the weather forecasts are right, so let's hope those Cod and Whiting are still there! Tight lines all Martyn
  3. Osprey

    bag limits

    Manic, I reckon you're not as manic as your name suggests. I think you have a very good point which I would support. After all, most of us put a lot back anyway so some realistic limits should not be a problem. The difficulty would be for our voice to be even heard above the greedy, ostrich-like ones amongst the commercial boys. (and I don't include all of them in that, there are plenty of responsible ones) Paul, It was a long debate in Parliament! I put a transcript of the positive bit on my post earlier today. Martyn
  4. I don't know who Bill Wiggins is but I like him! http://www.sacn.org.uk/Conservation-and-Po...eries_2009.html Martyn
  5. Osprey

    Cod Comp

    Well done Alun and the Team. You put up a good showing. Martyn
  6. Osprey

    bag limits

    If their argument is based on conservation of stocks, then presumably the rules will apply to shore anglers as well. If not, what is their argument based on? It would be interesting to see how they would police the beaches! Martyn
  7. Osprey


    I never used to use a leader, but regularly checked the last few yards and cut off any damaged bit, and to be honest, I've never had a problem with breakages. However, recently I have started using them but I find one big snag. WEED, especially in the Solent. Without fail, it snags on the knot and I go through some anxious moments trying to clear it when (on the rare occasion!) I have a decent fish on. So I guess I am not wholly convinced yet! Re hook lengths, I now use flurocarbon from 10 to 30lbs then some cheap, but excellent, 50lb clear, then 100lb Suffix clear, and finally 250lb stuff for the big long boys I've tried to simplify things over the years and that's as far as I can take it. Interesting thread though! Martyn
  8. Gordon You are right. I was one of them! You must have been there when we arrived at West Lepe Buoy. We were the ones that did the slow "controlled drift" past Due South with the anchor winch jammed Martyn
  9. Good Eel Rob! Where were you fishing? Martyn
  10. With the usual conflicting weather reports, this time the Met Office Inshore got it right. F4-5 Westerly veering NNE 3-4. With Ian and 16 yr old son Richard as crew we shot off down the Solent in idyllic flat, wind with tide, conditions albeit against a very big tide. Destination: Needles, target: Cod! First hint of reality dawned as we rounded Warden Ledge and approached the Bridge and the sea started to lump up. No problem,
  11. I know what you mean, I've heard them. Wittering on and on about a some dogfish or other. Lord knows what it'll be like if one of them catches a Cod! Hopefully we'll be too busy to listen. Martyn
  12. Hi I'm planning to take Osprey out with a couple of regulars on Sunday to try the Needles area. Get the chips on! Which VHF Channel do you normally use? Martyn
  13. At least you tried Dan - and almost caught a couple of biggies by the sound of it! Next time! Martyn
  14. Thanks for your replies guys Dan, yes the weed was quite a problem down the western end. The boat was plastered in the stuff by the time I packed up. But it was not nearly so bad east on Friday. I get the impression it's getting worse each year - or am I just getting old and grumpy??? (No need to answer that! ) Charlie, re the weather, I was very surprised to have made it both days in what turned out to be very good conditions. I'm glad I went and tried! Weather window coming up - but big tides. mmmmm! Martyn
  15. Two trips to report from a new boy! I promise they won't be so long next time but Wednesday's trip was so comical I have to share it Wednesday last week was a solo trip, and with a force 4 Northerly forecast, I took the opportunity to try the Western Solent. Tried off Sowley first, and despite a fairly brisk breeze, fishing conditions were excellent. However the fishing wasn
  16. Osprey

    Another newcomer

    Tom Hope I haven't misled you. My boat isn't an Osprey - it's just called Osprey! She's an Orkney DA 24. I just couldn't think of a better name! Here she is below (but just in case you are getting worried, that's not me on board) You are welcome on board any time. Martyn
  17. Osprey

    Another newcomer

    Well, judging by the welcoming responses, I'm certain this is the friendliest club going! Thank you all for your replies, and I look forward to meeting you all some day. And thank you Martin for making me legitimate (many have tried!) I'm trying to sneak out sometime before the weekend. Hopefully, I'll have something to report. There's always LSDs! Martyn
  18. Just posting to say hello to everyone at last! After visiting the site fairly regularly, PBSBAC seemed such a good club, I just had to join! Actually that was a few months ago but somehow I just haven't got round to posting till now. Unfortunately, I'm going to be a bit of a "country" member as I live near Hungerford so I doubt if I will be able to make many meetings etc. but I will make the effort to meet up sometime asap. I already know Coddy from the IAC so I will know at least one face. I keep my boat Osprey at Bucklers Hard so I don't have to travel too far to get into Club waters. Look forward to chatting some more when there's some fish to report!!! Tight lines Martyn
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