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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Steve S

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Everything posted by Steve S

  1. The club records list is missing https://pbsbac.co.uk/club-records/ This now fixed
  2. 1st club meeting of the year
  3. The site is live now, there may well be some lurking problems in spite of the best efforts that have been made. Please report any problems you find (even if you are not sure) on this thread that way others can know about them. When they are are fixes they will be reported on this thread also. Some content members have input may have been lost during the switchover on Friday, if that happened to your content then please enter it again, eg a catch report gone missing. For the techys only: browsers do cache content including code, when a site changes problems can occur due to the browser caching code/content that is the old version, this can look like bugs but actually self resolve over time, or can be fixed by flushing the cache or using a different browser. If you find a problem you can try this
  4. All being well the PBSBAC website will be switched to a new server on the evening of the 3rd December. The appearance of the website and forum will be substantially the same so no big learning curve. There has been a great deal of work behind the scenes modifying the code by Mark and Tanya so that it will run on a modern specification commercial server. Since Oli took over maintenance of the website many years ago, it has been run on a private server kindly hosted by Oli's company and maintained by Oli, that's been a lot of work over many years. The server however is now old and cost money every month to run so a switch was required, meantime software system have moved on so a major update to the code was required, that's now completed. We have been testing the new website, however, as is the way with software there may be some problems lurking which we have missed. Please report on this thread any possible issues you find once you see the notification that the website has switched, all being well that will be from the 4th Dec There are some new features which will be detailed in a later post once it's live.
  5. until
    The club website is switching over to a new server tonight, more details will be given at the meeting
  6. until
    Being held over the Saturday and Sunday. Heaviest flounder wins Surly we will do better than last year!
  7. December club meeting at the Oakdale Club
  8. Steve, mate, so sorry, devastating. At least you both got out alive, everything else is a setback that can be overcome with time and effort. Steve
  9. Well done lads, I haven't pulled an all nigher to some years... remember to put them on the September catches list
  10. Bluefin tuna are here: the fishery is open! Bluefin tuna are here and the first weekend in August saw the opening of the recreational catch and release fishery. Ninety-one boats and skippers, across charter boats and private vessels, have been given permits to fish for bluefin in the English fishery. There's also a small number of charter vessels in Wales, while Scotland and Northern Island are still operating a small scientific research programme. Anglers can now book a place on one of the charter boats with a permit and go fishing for these mighty fish. Grant Jones, Sea Angling Campaigns Manager for the Angling Trust, headed out to sea on the opening day of the season. “The opening of a recreational fishery is going to give a lot more people the chance to enjoy what is arguably the world’s best bluefin tuna sport,” said Grant. “Having personally only caught bluefin in the ‘stand-up’ position previously, we spent the day bringing tuna to the side of the boat using gunnel and chair fighting to show just how accessible to all this fishery will be. “The overall experience, surrounded by an abundance of nature which included sunfish, free swimming blue shark, dolphins, whales, gannets, many other seabirds and of course immense shoals of baitfish and ‘busting’ tuna is like being transported to far off tropical climates, before the reality sets in that this is right on our doorstep! “I hope as many people get to enjoy this thrilling experience this year as possible and that everyone works collectively to deliver the highest possible welfare standards to protect this fishery for years to come.” The opening of the catch and release fishery is a huge landmark in a journey that began in 2018 with the launch of a campaign group, Bluefin Tuna UK (later the UK Bluefin Tuna Association (UKBFTA)), who joined forces with the Angling Trust to establish a scientific research programme to help inform the future management options for this iconic fish. Joined by the Professional Boatman’s Association (PBA) in 2020, the recreational sea angling sector went on to win, co-design and deliver the English CatcH And Release Tagging program, (CHART) that began in 2021. CHART represented an unprecedented collaboration between skippers, anglers, scientists and Government agencies. It delivered over 3,200 tagged and released fish, gathered huge volumes of important data, achieved incredibly low mortality rates, and generated millions in revenue for hard pressed coastal communities. This success led directly to the introduction of a Catch and Release Recreational Fishery (CRRF) in England and Wales this year. Martin Salter, Head of Policy at the Angling Trust, said: “Following years of efforts to secure acknowledgement and equitable treatment for the recreational sector, the ‘wins’ that brought us here show the huge strides forward that were made to deliver a bluefin fishery and give anglers the chance to experience some of the most exciting game fishing in our home waters.” The CRRF is a ‘lighter touch’ fishery as determined by DEFRA. It is its first year of operation and, in many ways, it is a learning year. There were some areas that as stakeholders we had differences of opinion with DEFRA regarding some aspects of this first year of operations, which we have been transparent about. Collaboration and co-design is a process that requires compromise on both sides, and whilst not perfect, this is a significant step forward. But it is only the first step in a process that should see the CRRF evolve and grow in the coming years. We, along with our partners, UKBFTA and the PBA, will continue to push DEFRA and the MMO to learn lessons, expand the fishery, and deliver an even greater experience for anglers, while maintaining the highest welfare standards. Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns at the Angling Trust, said: “This is an exciting time for sea angling. The chance for us to experience some of the best game angling in the world and no need to travel thousands of miles to do so - it’s on our doorstep. “Of course, it's year one, we’ve still got things to learn. We will continue to push DEFRA and the MMO to improve and expand this fishery in the years to come, but after over six years of hard graft to get us to today, let’s just go out and enjoy our fishing.” What marks this fishery out is the quality of the experience. This is not about a race to catch as many fish as possible in one trip or to maximise the number of hook ups at any one time, but to experience the power and majesty of these mighty fish and ensure they are released unharmed and able to swim away fit and ready for another day. Angler safety and fish welfare are at the heart of this fishery. To make sure the skills and experience gained by the charter skippers who took part in CHART are available to all permit holders, whatever their level of experience, a series of training and support material has been developed by stakeholders, led by UKBFTA working with some of the most experienced bluefin tuna skippers, crew and anglers in the UK. This training and support material includes: Free in person training days. Five days have been run for permit holders so far and we are hoping to run a further two in the coming weeks. Training and knowledge resources, covering everything from gear types to fish handling to angler safety via the UKBFTA knowledge bank: Click here Training “how to” videos supporting the published training materials will be launched in coming days. These will be available here A Code of Conduct, giving guidance and advice for permitted anglers to conduct legal, safe, professional levels of recreational angling, whilst contributing to the future management of Atlantic bluefin tuna thereby ensuring these iconic species have a sustainable future. Click here Now the season is open, and will be until the end of the year, all that remains is for permit holders to make the most of this incredible opportunity and show the rest of the world what an amazing recreational bluefin fishery we have here in the UK, and for anglers to book those trips on bluefin tuna charter boats to have the thrill of a lifetime. Some of the advice from the 2024 English Catch and Release Recreational Fishery Code of Conduct SOCIAL MEDIA
  11. Persistence pays, a big well done to Dave and crew. Must feel so great to get a result after so many tries. Also good to hear some macks around 😀
  12. Not me, I've been in China!
  13. I'll be at the club BBQ on Saturday, we have a bit of a clash
  14. Steve S

    Google ads

    I'm investigating, what we can do
  15. Well done guys, you've done a top job there, that's a lot of work put in, she looks the business, a 20knot cruise will get you most places quick enough. Kodiak is going to be a more stable platform than JV! Not so sure about the tender...
  16. Please post your photos taken in May in this list, the one with the most likes is the winner
  17. Nice work Rob, the transducer mount is spot on
  18. Well such poor weather lead to just one entry and that was from New Zealand! Not worth posting as a winner, nobody in their right mind would buy it! Hopefully there is better weather in March and some of us can get out a few times showering us with photos of fine specimens.
  19. Sea News Update | February 2024 Angling Trust prevents an increase in commercial ray landings across the eastern English Channel The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) recently ran a consultation proposing an increase to the catch limits for skates and rays in ICES area VIID (7d) - the eastern English Channel. The increase, proposed for both under and over 10m vessels, was from 2.5 tonnes monthly to 3.5 tonnes per vessel. This is in light of the overall increase in annual quota for skates and rays. These limits are reviewed frequently, with the proposal to apply the increase for February 2024. The Angling Trust responded to highlight a number of issues, including the importance of preserving the recreational economy to which the various skate and ray species deliver far greater value. In addition, we referenced the growing complaints from fish merchants around the over-supply of the species which has rapidly reduced the price per kilo of wings, with supply already exceeding demand. A recent parliamentary committee meeting highlighted that skate wings are currently being sold for as little as 26p per kilo. In our view, no fishery should be deemed viable at such a price. The MMO responded to the Angling Trust's concerns by confirming that no increase will be made at this time, pending further engagement with the fish merchants and other key stakeholders. We thank the MMO for working with us to ensure a sensible outcome that focuses on driving the right sustainable and economic outcomes from these natural resources. LYME BAY Commercial fishermen and sea anglers unite over calls for an increase in mesh size During the Lyme Bay sole fishing consultation, commercial fishermen and anglers alike have called for an increase in mesh size to five inches, with unanimous support by the commercial fishermen present in each of the meetings. Keen to ensure smaller fish escape and bycatch of fish such as smooth-hound is limited, the commercial sector present demonstrated a very conscious push for sustainable measures, not wanting the decisions on such matters to come too late and lead to “another pollack situation”. Despite this unanimous support, the MMO engaged SeaFish to conduct a report, suggesting more economic damage would be done to fishermen than the benefits it would deliver. The Angling Trust joins the local commercial fleet in calling on the MMO to make this change, which would also accompany an increase in the Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes (MCRS) for sole, which currently sits well below the level at which 50% of the stock would have had a chance to reproduce. POLLACK UPDATE Catch up with Pollack FISP latest news Pollack FISP is a Fisheries Industry Science Partnership led by the University of Plymouth, in partnership with the Angling Trust, the Professional Boatman’s Association and the University of York. Thank you to our partners and collaborators who have made this work possible! More information about the receiver network can be found on the FISH INTEL webpage. You can watch Dr Simon Thomas and Dr Thomas Stamp present their early results in the Angling Trust’s Virtual Forum. Pollack FISP data has not contributed to the latest ICES assessment on pollack that led to the commercial bycatch-only fishery in 2024. COMMERCIAL FISHING 'Gill net fishing for bass' article raises concern The Angling Trust has raised concerns with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) over an apparent blatant admissions in a Fishing News article of intentional targeting of bass via gill nets by commercial fishermen. The tone in which it was presented demonstrated how some within the commercial fishing sector still see no issue with targeting bass with nets, continue treating a bycatch allowance as a quota, and make a mockery of the system. We remind everyone that bass cannot be targeted through gill netting (fixed nets), with only a 1.6 tonne annual bycatch being allowed to be landed by vessels authorised by the MMO in 2024. The Angling Trust has brought this matter to the attention of the MMO. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS Bottom-towed fishing restrictions for 13 MPAs The government has announced that damaging bottom-towed commercial fishing will be restricted in 13 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to protect reef and rock habitats. The government also announced the closure of the North Sea sandeel fishery in English waters for both UK and non-UK commercial vessels. Sea anglers have long called for bottom-trawling bans in MPAs and the banning of industrial-scale fishing. The Angling Trust welcomes these overdue decisions to protect UK seas. CATCHWISE Survey team visit Lowestoft and Kessingland Our Policy and Advocacy Manager Hannah Rudd and Catchwise Coordinator Galini Samlidou were in Lowestoft and Kessingland this month for a Catchwise survey with Zach Radford and Wendy Edwards from Cefas alongside our East of England Surveyor, Darren. The team met nine anglers who were out enjoying the beach and what the North Sea has to offer. It was wonderful speaking to them all and hearing how angling is vital for their wellbeing. Dabs, pouting and whiting were the most popular fish of the day. Catchwise is the biggest nationwide survey of recreational sea angling for over a decade, supported by Defra’s Fisheries and Seafood Scheme. Thank you to all the anglers and skippers who have taken the time to speak with us so far! Vacancy: Catchwise Regional Field Surveyor The Angling Trust is offering a six-month Self Employed Contract for a Regional Field Surveyor for the Catchwise project. During the duration of the contract, the surveyor will be delivering site-based, face-to-face surveys of sea anglers in the South West (east) region, more specifically in the coastal regions between Branscombe and Highcliffe. The surveyor will be randomly allocated to up to 35 sampling days per quarter. Fishing for England at 14 - Lexie's amazing story Lexie Groves has been fishing since she was nine years old and for the last three years has had a string of successes in sea angling competitions – sometimes being the only junior competing against adults. She's even being picked to fish for England and achieved gold medal winning success! Now, at just 14, Lexie has been selected to compete for the England team again – this time at the home nations in Scotland in July and the FIPS-M World Shore Championships in Ireland. We caught up with Lexie to find out about her angling journey so far and what it is she loves about fishing. SPECIES HUNT Blustery January a big test for species hunters As expected after a very volatile month of blustery and icy cold weather conditions, the inbox has been a little quieter than previous months. However, we have seen some great catch reports and specimen entries for January. The top five anglers across the Senior, Junior, and Elite leaderboards remain fairly static. Senior league angler Alan Mundy’s gallant effort of four submissions this month keeps Alan in 3rd position but is now hot on the heels of Hampshire’s Luke Woodford. In the junior league, Kacper Karp’s one entry has moved him to joint 3rd with Mark Banham. Torquay’s junior angler Will Birch managed to catch a whopping seven species throughout January, seeing Will propel from 9th to joint 5th place with Lexie, resulting in Will taking the crown for the most species submitted in January out of all the three leagues' top five anglers. In the elite league, Somerset angler Jonathan Johnson had a productive month bagging five additional species, moving him up four places from 9th to joint 5th with Paul Wheeler. January has also been a little steadier on the specimen entries, but the monthly winner award goes to Karl Phillips’ entry of a Bull Huss measuring 110cm and tipping the scales at 11lb 10z. GET INVOLVED! If current or new anglers wish to sign up for the new season starting April 1st you can either email specieshunt@anglingtrust.net or complete the form on the Species Hunt webpage using the link below: COMPETITIONS Super Saul starts Penn Sea League season in style World No.1 Saul Page has kicked off the 2024 Angling Trust Penn Sea League season in style, topping the first leaderboard of the new year after two impressive performances in January. The 2023 league champion put a total of 38 points on the board thanks to a big win in the Irish Winter Beach Championships in County Wexford last weekend – the first time he has won this prestigious competition. A runner-up spot in ‘The Asso’ event at Hythe earlier in the month – another ‘Penn Plus’ match - earned him 18 points towards his flying start to the new campaign. Just behind is England Senior Manager Richard Yates whose 32-point score came courtesy of fourth and fifth placings in the same two events as Saul. Completing the top three is Sam Collier on 25 points. His total so far came from sixth in The Asso and tenth place in Ireland. Over 100 anglers have already scored points in January, but not all have registered for them to count for prizes and an invite into the 2025 final. If you haven’t registered yet click the link below. FUNDRAISERS Still time to win a day's shark fishing with John Locker in our Great Fishing Prize Draw 2024 How do you fancy the chance to spend a day fishing for shark with John Locker, the star of Youtube sensation ‘The Fish Locker’. Enter our Great Fishing Prize Draw and you could be one of three lucky winners to go on a shark fishing expedition with John aboard Anglo Dawn. Sailing out of Falmouth, you will be able to tap into John’s extensive knowledge and experience of these awesome fish and to spend the day with one of the most engaging characters in our sport. The Great Fishing Prize Draw also offers the chance to fish with some of the biggest names in coarse and game fishing - click the button below for more details. SOCIAL MEDIA Keep up-to-date with the latest sea fishing news - join the Angling Trust Sea Angling Facebook Group Stay up-to-date with all the latest sea angling news and join the conversation - become a member of the Angling Trust Sea Angling Facebook Group today! MEMBER OFFERS Save £££s on DFDS ferry trips to Europe DFDS have been voted the world’s leading ferry operator for 12 years in a row - and now Angling Trust & Fish Legal members can travel to France and the Netherlands at discounted prices! Whether you are looking to book travel for your fishing trip, holidays for the family or superb mini cruises, our DFDS partnership gives you access to Europe in comfort and style. Generously partnering with us to provide travel for our England teams, the fabulous team at DFDS have also agreed to offer exclusive discounts including: 10% off Dover-France ferry crossings 15% off Newcastle–Amsterdam ferry crossings 10% off Newhaven–Dieppe ferry crossings 33% off special mini cruise from Newcastle–Amsterdam Also good news on the proposed netting at Salcombe For anyone who missed the news last week, we are delighted to announce that the Angling Trust were successful in leading the opposition against a netting proposal in Salcombe Estuary. You can find our full story on the final Devon and Severn IFCA vote here: https://anglingtrust.net/2024/02/23/angling-trust-delivers-a-massive-win-for-salcombe-estuary/ Devon and Severn IFCA Chief Officer, Mat Mander, had the following to say: “Undoubtedly the unprecedented level of response to the formal consultation reflected the support the Angling Trust provided by engaging so effectively with its members and the wider recreational community. The evidence and information provided through the formal consultation response undoubtedly helped D&S IFCA’s members reach their decision to maintain the prohibition on netting in Salcombe.” Thank you to everyone who engaged with us on this journey. It really demonstrated the power of our collective voice. It’s essential we use this momentum to keep winning more battles to protect the interests of our fish stocks and recreational anglers. Have a great week. Grant Jones – Sea Angling Engagement Manager, Angling Trust
  20. For sale, a little TLC required, she floats!, no reasonable offer refused, buyer collects
  21. Alun Jones
  22. So for anyone thinking of taking their boat over for the first time, we have boats going on the first and second set of dates so loads of choice, and frankly most likely the 3rd will be used being as weather is the final arbiter. Flexibility is the watchword. If you are interested go to the next club meeting and make yourself known you are interested, loads of expertise there. It's a great trip.
  23. Oh dear, our finest in action
  24. Club's annual Diner Dance held at AFC Bournemouth's Stadium reception room. Excellent food, DJ with music later Includes presentation for competitions winners
  25. Angling Trust submits response to Devon & Severn IFCA over proposed netting of Salcombe Estuary The Angling Trust has worked extensively over the last two months to provide a vigorous and collaborative rebuttal to the proposals put forward for a net fishery within Salcombe Estuary in South Devon. We would like to thank the National Mullet Club, Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society, our Wyvern Region and the Angling Trades Association for their support. The Angling Trust has also engaged with other recreational water users, the Duchy of Cornwall, the local harbour authority, Natural England, Devonshire Wildlife Trust and many more stakeholders to lead one of the highest engaged consultations we have witnessed. Salcombe netting: next steps The vote by the bylaws and permits sub-committee of the Devon and Severn IFCA on whether to approve the proposals to net Salcombe Estuary will be held from midday on the 22nd February at Exeter Racecourse. Whilst the public are allowed to attend these meetings to observe, there is limited capacity. Please click the link below to read our full announcement in this regard, including details on raising questions for this meeting. WORKSHOP Pollack FISP Workshop – 14 Feb. Register now Pollack FISP focuses on improving knowledge of the pollack stock off the south west of England, in collaboration with interested stakeholders. The project is a Fisheries Industry Science Partnership funded by Defra. During the morning session, you will hear updates about the project’s progress on pollack tagging and fisheries data collection. In the afternoon session, participants will get the chance to share their views on pollack through an interactive workshop. The information we receive from participants will be fed back to Defra. Throughout the day there will be opportunities to ask questions about the project and speak with the team. Spaces are limited for this workshop. Please register your interest to attend no later than Friday, 26 January. Lunch will be provided. You can register here. If you are unable to attend in-person, but would like to learn more about the project, presentations from the project team will take place from 10am-12am and can be attended virtually. Please register for online attendance here. The afternoon discussion sessions cannot be attended virtually and will not be recorded. However, if you are interested in providing your views about pollack populations and management yet are unable to attend the workshop, please contact Simon Thomas at simon.f.thomas@york.ac.uk. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Hannah Rudd at hannah.rudd@anglingtrust.net. Find out more Pollack FISP is led by the University of Plymouth, in partnership with the Angling Trust, the Professional Boatman’s Association and the University of York. The project team includes Dr Emma Sheehan and Dr Thomas Stamp from the University of Plymouth, Hannah Rudd from the Angling Trust, Dave Uren from Mirage Charters, and Dr Bryce Stewart and Dr Simon Thomas from the University of York. More information about the Pollack FISP is available on the University of Plymouth and Angling Trust websites. More information about the receiver network can be found on the FISH INTEL webpage. You can watch Dr Simon Thomas and Dr Thomas Stamp present their early results in the Angling Trust’s Virtual Forum. Pollack FISP data has not contributed to the latest ICES assessment on pollack that led to the commercial bycatch-only fishery in 2024. PLYMOUTH ACCESS Sutton Harbour: Clarification on access to fish The LRF community, via ‘The Big LERF’, brought to our attention a number of occasions where individuals have been asked to ‘move on’ when fishing Sutton Harbour in Plymouth. Preliminary advice has been shared back with this community who we will work with to develop codes of conduct to assist with maintaining access. As it stands, the harbour can set its own terms, which strictly speaking do prohibit fishing. It is not typically enforced to the strictest degree, with anglers sometimes just asked to move to a different part of the harbour where they are less likely to come into conflict with other water users. We continue to engage with the harbour master and the South West Ports Association to deal with a growing issue of restricted access to ports, harbours and marinas for the LRF community and other anglers. We will publish a full story on this in due course once clearer guidance is reached from the harbour authorities. CATCH UP Angling Trust visit Northumberland IFCA The Angling Trust’s Policy & Advocacy Manager, Hannah Rudd, and North East Regional Enforcement Support Manager, Kevin Woodcock, were in Blyth this month with Angling Trust volunteers Dave and Carol Sanderson to meet some of the team at Northumberland IFCA and chat all things sea fishing. It was great to hear about their work with local sea anglers and more on how sea angling brings communities together in Northumberland. Together, we’re looking forward to working more closely to promote and develop recreational sea angling in Northumberland. CATCHWISE Volunteer reveals 'fishing is a great tonic for many' Catchwise is the biggest sea angling survey in over a decade and aims to collect important insights into recreational sea fishing – both along the shore and at sea. Its aim is to record data across a 12-month period to understand who takes part in angling, how often they do it, what sorts of fishing they do, what they catch and how valuable sea angling is to local communities. Jonathan Burroughs is a Catchwise Volunteer in East Anglia. This is what he has said about his experience so far. "I was motivated to sign up to do this work because I think climate change is affecting the marine environment around our coastline and we need to better understand these effects. "As I've got stuck into interviewing fishermen (no women found as yet) I guess what's surprised me most is how many people are pursuing angling for their mental health, almost regardless of what they catch. Whether it's loneliness, old age, serious illness or just a need to get out into the open air and natural environment away from life's troubles, it seems to be providing a great tonic for a great number." Catchwise is still recruiting volunteers to help with this important project. If you want to be involved, please click the link below: FISHING IN WALES Blog: Winter beach fishing in Wales Many anglers associate beach fishing with the warmer months of the year, which is hardly surprising as there is no finer way of spending a hot summer day standing waist deep amidst a lively surf. However, the fishing you can experience during the cold months of the year on many Welsh beaches can be very good, too. In this Fishing In Wales blog, Dave Lewis offers tackle and bait advice to get the most out of beach fishing in winter. GET FISHING Blog: How sea angling is supporting healthier lives Amelia Henderson at Bedlington Station Sea Angling Club has been organising a women’s boat fishing group and supporting local military veterans and their families with angling activities. It's an incredible example of how one person can be the catalyst for so many people to benefit from life-improving experiences simply by spending time fishing. In an inspiring Get Fishing blog, Amelia tells how the Together Fund, administered by the Angling Trust and Sport England, was a great opportunity to support more participation, and share the social, economic and health benefits of sea angling. SPECIES HUNT Little change in leader boards for December December’s submissions have been steadier this month with just over 60 species submitted, resulting in little change at the top of the leader boards. Elite League: The top five anglers' scores remain unchanged. Senior League: Ben Price and Luke Woodford still retain 1st and 2nd place. Plymouth angler Alan Mundy's two submissions this month have seen him creep from 4th to 3rd place, pushing Stuart Jones into 4th place. Darren Pearson remains in 5th place. Junior League: The top five anglers' scores at the top remain static apart from Mark Banham who has risen from 4th to 3rd place with his two species submitted this month. Congratulations to Simon Lancastle for winning the December Specimen Award with his 63cms Thornback Ray. COMPETITIONS Angling Trust takes over Penn Sea League The Angling Trust Competitions team has agreed a deal to take over the running of one of sea fishing’s most prestigious events – the Penn Sea League. Established in 1999 by Sea Angler magazine, the competition is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024 and remains the ‘must-win’ competition for thousands of shore-based match anglers. Points are awarded based on the number of anglers fishing an open match registered for the Penn Sea League and go to the top three, five, or 10 anglers, zone winners and heaviest fish in registered open events held throughout the UK. League scoring runs from January to December each year and the top 45 best point scorers from the season are invited to go head-to-head in a one-off grand final match hosted the following season. FUNDRAISERS Win a day's shark fishing with John Locker in our Great Fishing Prize Draw 2024 How do you fancy the chance to spend a day fishing for shark with John Locker, the star of Youtube sensation ‘The Fish Locker’. Enter our Great Fishing Prize Draw and you could be one of three lucky winners to go on a shark fishing expedition with John aboard Anglo Dawn. Sailing out of Falmouth, you will be able to tap into John’s extensive knowledge and experience of these awesome fish and to spend the day with one of the most engaging characters in our sport. The Great Fishing Prize Draw also offers the chance to fish with some of the biggest names in coarse and game fishing - click the button below for more details. MEMBER OFFERS Get 20% off The Song of the Solitary Bass Angler Angling Trust members can get 20% off all Merlin Unwin fishing and countryside books - including this fabulous read by James Batty, The Song of the Solitary Bass Angler. Batty seldom ventures further than 20 miles from his Cornish home, fishing from the rocks and beaches in a handful of places. Generous with his knowledge and full of fresh ideas, Batty catches bass with lures, flies and bait. It’s a myth, he says, that you need expensive gear – he beaches plenty of big bass yet is a tackle skinflint. Click here for more details
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