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About Gazza

  • Birthday 11/16/1967

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Shark Chaser

Shark Chaser (5/6)



  1. Thankyou, Was that one of your cakes before you demolished it Jim haha Gary
  2. movie works on my apple mac, Great report 👏 Gary
  3. something like this? but with better welding https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124270924175?hash=item1cef1fd18f:g:QoMAAOSwFdtX0zxS
  4. I got some on Ebay from a company up North, 316 stainless and quite reasonably priced probably stating the obvious Gary
  5. I was just about to ask the same question........with the boat on the trailer
  6. Gazza


    Jim, I have a small 12v pump if you wish to borrow it but not sure how far the hose will go into the tank, it may need modifications also has your car got a ant-syphon gadget ? I hope you get it sorted 07773905769 Gary
  7. Gazza

    New member

    Hi Jim, Im not sure about Marks insurance but I know he keeps his boat on his own trailer and uses the tractor to launch not the forklift, Mark, I too am out on our 1st trip Sunday......looking like a early start early finish with the wind 🌬️
  8. Gazza

    New member

    Hi Mark, I don't know if you remember but I use to have a 175 down Rockley and use to chat to you sometimes ? I got fed up with Rockley in the summer , sometimes 3 boats wide on the pontoon then all the tackle to unload so went up a level in boat size and now at cobbs on a pontoon, so far i'm loving it. hope you are well and will see you out there one day Gary
  9. If it wasn't so blooming cold l might of been tempted
  10. Thanks guys, Im afraid I spent the day wading around trying to build a footing in Swanage.......at least I was on the water
  11. Hi Ray, I believe we met yesterday at Cobbs(your new neighbour) discussing your steering problem, Did you find anything out from your owners manual ? If im down there and you need any help just shout, always willing to help if I can although im no expert Best of luck Gary
  12. Kam, Are you saying to bleed mackerel ? I never even thought about doing them.....normally just thrown in the cool box. You learn something new everyday
  13. Maybe you need to make the join between the anchor and the swivel rigid somehow so that the chain doesn't come at such a 90 deg angle ? maybe some sacrificial hose/ally tube or similar but slit lengthways so it still trips ? hopefully some of you buddy engineers might understand me just a thought but trying to help.......and waiting for the solution Best of luck Gary
  14. Thanks Andy, these are amazing images, at the moment i have a basic in-hull transducer on my boat until i research what type of decent transducer i need for a simrad go 12, however im not sure if the side scan tech is for me lol. Im doing lots of looking on youtube but it seems to always be on USA lakes. do you use the side scan when trying to find ....say bream can you identify the nests ? I would love to see some pictures of the sharks Rob ( I hope you get to go soon) Gary
  15. Hi Andy, great pics, If the dark area is the water above the wreck am i right in saying the small white flecks in the dark area are fish above the wreck? I am with lofty with the side scan technology.....totally lost although you are making it a lot easier to understand Gary
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