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biggcol last won the day on December 26 2024

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About biggcol

  • Birthday 09/19/1953

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Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. I thought AT had changed but I’m not 100% sure on that. This subject should be good for discussion tonight. Don’t think we can make it tonight.
  2. Charlie I definitely remember that we voted to up our specimen size for Spurs. Not sure when it was but we were still up at Ashley Road. Well done on a good fish.
  3. biggcol


    Hi Brian Thanks will message you to sort out pick up Cheers Colin
  4. biggcol


    Thanks for the reply’s I should have said duel feed engine flush muffs
  5. biggcol


    Does anyone have twin hose outboard muffs to fit Yamaha 150 that I could borrow for a day please.
  6. Well done to Bobi for finding a Unicorn in the RNLI Flounder comp. She managed 2nd place with a Flounder of 1lb 2 oz. There were only 3 Flounders weighed in . There was a good turn out of 14 boats with 36 anglers.
  7. Jerry the Bass ban isn’t on till the end of this month, we are now inline with the grumpy commercials
  8. Merry Christmas all. Fishing was amazing yesterday.
  9. Sorry unable to attend too.
  10. Have a good one Nigel
  11. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Had a quiet day out to lunch with friends today. Will sort some pics of boat soon.
  12. Well done Dave. You got it to the boat proper job. We will be upgrading our leaders this year🤣
  13. You must make sure that you tuck the returning end back through the loop the same way it went in.
  14. biggcol

    Wacker plate

    Does anyone have a wacker plate I could borrow please.
  15. Chris you have me down for vouchers May and Oct think you need to change Oct.
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