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Paul J

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Everything posted by Paul J

  1. amazing Adam, thanks for sharing PJ
  2. Rob, its so sexy i have to wait for the watershed
  3. Just bought a 21ft Karnic so Marine Boy has to go This is a classic 17ft Boston Whaler Newport which has been converted for Fly Fishing, Front and rear casting decks, leaning posts and other nice features which make it a great fishing platform. Its powered by a 60hp Etec and there's a bow mounted motor-guide xi5 trolling motor as an option extra, break-back trailer included ( great for shallow launches) VHF , Hummingbird sidescan Moored in Christchurch- text me for a viewing Price £ 5,500 Cheers Paul -PJ 07742121494 pauljennings27@mail..com pS i hope this is ok and doesn't break any rules
  4. Can we weigh in migrants next year? there's more chance of seeing them offshore than Cod PJ
  5. Thanks chaps, ill be out over the weekend if this calm weather stays put PJ
  6. i Have a 75 etec that's been waiting for my next project and waiting, ill reluctantly let it go for 3K unless i find that suitable craft to put it on first PJ 07742121494
  7. Good luck with the weather gents, perhaps plan b should be a flight somewhere warm with hire boats, like Cork Harbour ( not so warm but close) PJ
  8. have you just started a stampede of species hunters !? PJ
  9. no what you are finding is that you've got to have this special lure or you wont catch and its £25:99 its not that theres less fish to catch its cause your gear isnt good enough PJ
  10. Can i hear any tackle shops moaning cause they cant hold any Bass comps? thus loosing business? nor can i PJ
  11. "I can't remember EVER being called diplomatic before ? :lol:" YOU MUST BE GETTING TOO OLD TO ARGUE
  12. Sounds great Rob, really pleased you've been rewarded for the time you've put in previously- fantastic result "With such a clam day, you could hear the bait balls" yes i know that sound, exciting stuff! PJ
  13. Charlie, if the tip curls its too hot!
  14. Well done Oli
  15. Malcolm is a thoroughly decent bloke and a very good fisherman, hes also an expert on fish stocks and does a lot to support the cause of us anglers If you ever meet him, ask him about the 50inch ( 50lbs) Striped Bass he caught, and watch his face light up PJ
  16. This makes the assumption that the UK will look after it better - I'm not so sure the recreation angler will get any benefit- i hope so PJ
  17. done, i think all boaters would sign this not just fishermen PJ
  18. it is a pretty place
  19. Will there be a net burning ceremony?
  20. Climate change might have an effect, but its also a favorite excuse for Commercial fisherman to deflect the blame off themselves I'm glad anglers are starting to take ownership ( yes we are major stakeholders along with the general public) and speaking up Poole used to be famous for flounders and we have let it decline while we've had our heads in the sand, i personally think it wont change until we loose all our tackle shops and charters boats go bust- i hope i am wrong. We cant rely on Mackerel or flounders anymore- how sad is that happy new year PJ
  21. We need to be heard guys and now to counter this lot trying to ruin the party again! we cant let them water down the proposals, if we get rid of nets its going to be a great place to fish again in a few years Go to http://www.saveourseabass.org/en/home/ and make a difference do what you can PJ
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