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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. belated, sorry rob. hope u enjoyed your day. bill
  2. Ferret

    Happy Birthday

    happy birthday niggle, enjoy. bill
  3. Ferret


    happy birthday alan sorry its late, hope u had afew beers bill
  4. Ferret

    need crew

    anybody need crew this weekend, sat or sun. share costs either mail or call 07958 705005 bill
  5. what was that rob could u repete once more for us that are hard of hearing. lol Bill
  6. never mind jim, all in good fun bill
  7. thanks guys had a great day, lots of booze, as you say jim a goog un
  8. the seals only kill what thay eat, unlike trawlers.enough said i think bill
  9. thank you for your thoughts. yes alan i will be down for the 48hr comp & thanks for including me on your new boat, cant wait to see her. bill.
  10. thank u guys bill
  11. as i live one hundred & sixty two miles away is there any chance you can announce when this rearranged comp is going to be fished as i need to arrange a boat to fish from, yours in antissipation bill smith
  12. happy birthday to all of you, enjoy. bill
  13. happy birthday dave, emnjoy bill
  14. Ferret

    Birthday Boys

    happy birthday to both of you enjoy bill
  15. i am under the impression that skate are protected, please tell me if i am wrong. bill
  16. i hope you feel better soon tony all the best, bill
  17. happy birthday john, have a great day. bill
  18. no allan number still the same 07958 705005 mobile 01234 709388 home bill
  19. hi all, i am comming down to poole this friday evening, does any one need crew this weekend if so i would be happy fish with you. please give me a call 07958 705005, happy to share costs bill. aka ferret.
  20. done again bill
  21. done bill
  22. i to have signed a survey for the angling trust, sounds similar. bill
  23. thanks lads, had a great day massage in the morning and drinking all day bill sorry reply was late just got home
  24. happy birthday you both, enjoy, enjoy. bill
  25. Ferret


    happy birthday charlie enjoy. bill
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