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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Yet another great report,top sport in a yak I bet Nige
  2. All the best Dave,good time to give the moths some air and treat yourself Nige
  3. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 12} Charlie Alfresco 13) Sam Alfresco 14) Graham Alfresco 15] Will TBC Alfresco 16, Alfie, Dream Drifter 17, Sally, Dream Drifter 18)Nigel,Wishin(inshore)
  4. niggle

    Happy Birthday

    Have a good one or two Trev Nige
  5. Perhaps it's French slang
  6. niggle

    Wishin update

    Carried out the last modification today fitted two scuppers to front of engine cover with 3" holes. Behind one I've fitted a bilge blower to draw and blow in.Seems to work a treat with a lots of air flow now around engine. Time will tell.
  7. Going to give it a go tomorrow,I know it's going to be lumpy but after not using my boat for a month I'm chomping at the bit.Mike( dontfishjustgotocarboot)coming out and plan is to have a go for Mr Bass Anybody else? P.S don't look good for next W/E at the moment
  8. All the best,there's going to be some drinking in the Chapman clan Nige
  9. http://www.stainless-steve.co.uk/Boatbits/.../tri-ring-l.jpg Some of my mates like to use these,that way you can see the buoy all the time. Or like Paul reverse so able to see buoy and the power past on prefered side. Have Rope at an angle away from side of boat,watch buoy it will dip under water when up to anchor.Set boat uptide if not windy and tide is not strong and pick up rope with boat hook,the tide will take you gentely to your anchor while you retrieve the rope.In stronger winds and tides that's when you have to use judgement to best position of boat to buoy I.e you don't really want you're back to an unsettled sea when retrieving the rope. A good call to take Dave out to build you're confidence. I hope to be out Monday if you want a trip and I'll let you do all the anchor work give me a bell if interested Nige
  10. Graham most on here that use the Alderney method have all learned by their mistakes,I have. Done properly it makes retrieving so much easier,give it some thought and give it ago.
  11. I was very grateful for their assistance,salt of the earth.Cannot praise them enough Nige
  12. I was right then Tom
  13. Welcome Bob,Tom was probably drawn by youre boat name Nige
  14. niggle

    Wishin update

    Might go out at weekend in harbour to add some species................ Dace,perch,chub,minnow,pike and if I'm really lucky a mullet
  15. niggle

    Wishin update

    Engine in,run for hour and half with sea trial.Engine is fine But I have a power steering leak which has messed my immaculately cleaned bilge, hope engine won't have to come out again Fingers crossed
  16. niggle

    etec problem

    Paul if you still make the trip are the parts any cheaper that side of the pond?
  17. I would because youll have loads of mono as back up and spare for when required plus if its not a round profile braid like:power pro it will dig in to spool when you catch a monster
  18. Graham add backing of mono then braid about 150 metres on the big reel should be just enough =500 feet for mid channel Nige
  19. No Some bacon and eggs go in a pub barman says sorry we don't serve breakfast Two blondes walk into a bar.....you'd think one of them would of seen it
  20. niggle


    I bought one for our next go at sharks,it's on the boat I'll bring it to the next meet so you can see if suitable. Or I know Uncle Tom has one Nige
  21. niggle

    sit on this

    How do you keep Turkeys in suspense .............................I'll tell you tomorrow
  22. niggle

    sit on this

    Is that why I've never seen a plumber bite his nails
  23. niggle

    Wishin update

    The hole in thermostat is to prevent air being trapped behind and to allow a gentle flow of water to pass through.Injectors I had rechecked and cleaned at Poole Diesel.
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