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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Wishin update

    I think it's all about made for the job.....ie a car will do about 200k miles a big truck will do 2million miles! I've done 370hrs in 2yrs about 3.7hrs per week,a busy charter would do that in say 10months
  2. niggle

    Wishin update

    I didn't use much diesel last trip
  3. All the best to both have a good one Nige
  4. Magic days they will always remember ,nice one Grandad
  5. niggle


    Jon the wind not looking very clever tomorrow.
  6. niggle

    Wishin update

    Been giving this a lot of thought on advice given ,and both Charlies are right,more engine cooling of the air around the engine as it is a very confined area.Been thinking about using a 4 inch bilge blower to actually blow outside air into the general direction of the turbo.And although it has one to take fumes/ heat away,fit a second to help.Possibly fitting at least one other vent to ensure a good airflow so inlet air temp is greatly lowered,as it must of previously been running on very hot engine bay air!!!! Thanks guys
  7. There was a bloke called Jim D Who had a lovely boat, But rarely went to sea, Then one day ,when it was nearly May, Apparently the boat had its day, Afloat it went, out in the bay We all can't believe it Until he can prove it See what happens when I don't go fishing
  8. Jim The pointed end is the front Now you've confused him Brian
  9. Crickey It's true,I thought it was a wind up
  10. niggle

    Wishin update

    Charlie if I found I had more power I could adjust the boost of turbo,but the main reason is to have cooler air in the cylinders as the engine is so very,very compact Just an idea and a big thanks Charlie for your imput......keep it coming
  11. niggle

    Wishin update

    Stripped engine today number three piston cracked across the crown,no other damage in fact it's as new internally. Visually it would appear it is heat related,on another forum it was suggested,if possible to retro fit an intercooler to cool the inlet air.Which makes a lot of sense seeing as all modern diesels have them for the same reason.I shall be looking into this with extra cooling fans and venting to the engine cover. Any thoughts on this possible long term cure. P.S. Will have to get boat mended soon or the wifes going to get use to me being home and keep dragging me out shopping
  12. niggle

    Wishin update

    Charlie.....yes I'm going to change all 4 pistons,not going to all this hassle without it being 100% Adam thanks,I'll see how I get on
  13. niggle

    Wishin update

    Thought I'd phone Cummins today for some prices before I try other sources Piston x1.
  14. niggle

    Wishin update

    Engines out picking up tonight,will strip at weekend
  15. Chris I have the MTI 20-40 in my opinion great rod not as powerful as labeled,modified mine with duplon on grip above reel seat as it was a bare blank and too small for my hands,I can bring to next meet for you to borrow as I wont be using it for some time. Out of my collection,ugly,alba,daiwa its my favourite allround rod Just let me know Nige
  16. Great report Trev and a bonus for the pot Nige
  17. Well done on finding a cod some of us do loads of miles and still don't find one Nige
  18. A starry smoothound,and a lovely pic
  19. Al ask the driver that delivers you're tackle if he'd do it for a drink He might be late
  20. Thanks now have several leads
  21. Not yet
  22. Looking for a small inflatable up to approx 3.5m,must be reasonably quick,wanted for general mucking around/ fishing Nigel mob 07877195090
  23. Seems a little small, think I would raise that myself...........Rob Think I over heard your dear wife say something similar at the D&D
  24. How did he miss his mouth
  25. niggle

    Abode 11

    Probably have to work sat am so Sunday is the day. My friggin radios are still rubbish at receiving so if I don't answer I'm not being rude it's just that I can't hear you.But I'll probably be on the ledge or there abouts
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