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Everything posted by alfie

  1. Depth of Field. Giving you the simple answer:- A, Depth of field is the distance from the nearest point to the furthest point that you are taking and the subject remains in focus and the picture is sharp. For example, if you photograph a road sign and that sign is clear and in focus but the background is hazy then we call this limited depth of field. Good depth of field is when the sign appears clear and the back ground is also clear. As a rule of thumb, As the aperture decreases the depth of field becomes greater and as the aperture increases the depth of field becomes smaller. If you have a short lense, for example a wide angle the depth of field will be greater. The longer the lense the smaller the depth of field. Hope this helps? Alf.
  2. 1 Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2/Wishin Too-Nigel Allen,Martin Cherrett,Mike Toms 3, Kingfisher - Chris Witheford and crew TBA 4. Alfresco - Charlie, Sam, Dan?? Ben plus TBC 5/ Wight Magic Dave Evans, Jim ( Tiddler ) and Craig White 6. Serenity - Tony , Martin and room for one more 7. Kind of Magic-Allan, Dave S. +possibly one other. 8, Dream Drifter. Alfie, stuart + one
  3. Hi Gordon and welcome. where are you fishing out of? As rob stated come along to the meeting if possible and make yourself known.
  4. alfie

    48 Hr Comp

    1 Court Jester - Neal Sturt + crew TBA 2 Alfresco - Charlie Chapman 3 Wishin Too-Nigel Allen +crew TBA 4, Dream Drifter, Alfie + crew [2] TBA
  5. Hi Tomo, I have just received a call on behalf of Greg Casey who can confirm a definite place on board his boat. Rather than miss out I have accepted his offer. Sorry to have caused you any inconvenience and wish you well on getting a crew together. I know a person who can crew if you struggle to get a full team. He operates out of Cobbs. Alf
  6. Hi Tomo, This is music to my ears. I have the 12th - 17th off and would be available to accompany you and others if you can fit me in.
  7. ) Neal Sturt 2) Nigel Allen 3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith 4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter
  8. Nice report. your pictures tell it all and I like the spotted Ray. Well done
  9. alfie

    lurker no more

    Welcome Nick, I am sure you will get a lot of fun and banter from club members and enjoy yourself. It's always nice to know when you are out on the water that most times a club member is not far away and will be at hand if required. I look forward to meeting you at the club meetings or out on the water.
  10. If you don't go and somebody else does and catches a nice Mr Cod you will regret it !! see you out there on Saturday
  11. well done stuie, had to work this weekend but off for six days from Wednesday, hope you left some for all the other members.
  12. can't keep a good cod down, well done and as always least when you expect it. you are excused writing the word that was edited, just excitement.
  13. alfie

    Sea Horse

    follow the signs to the local tidleway and you will see them being exercised
  14. I have managed to get this friday off and so if the weather allows I will be fishing. .........fingers crossed
  15. Dan, I had the Alaske 500xl as a first boat and it served the purpose. I can not fault it. Ask Stuie Cooper who is at Cobbs as he bought mine and I am sure he would give you a sea trail and his opinion on this particular boat. Very good on fuel and would push 22 knots on a flat sea on a 50 evenrude. Happy hunting.
  16. 1.) Ian Jones - JV 2.) Bob F - JV 3.) Alun J - JV 4.) Martin B Awol 5.) Dean B Awol 6.) RobF - JoJo - with non member 7. Alfie and Stuie on Dream Drifter [defending Champion 2010] bring it on
  17. alfie

    wanted /advice

    Thanks for all the reply's, I will start to contact some of these recommend sites and let you know the outcome. Charlie thanks for the offer of showing me the "splicing" this may be a good topic for one of our meetings. Thanks again for all those replies and see you at the meeting this Thursday. alf
  18. alfie

    wanted /advice

    From time to time I have seen rope advertised on our site but not recently. I am after 175 - 200 mts. Can anyone advise me the best place to purchase rope and have it spliced onto my chain length. Having a windless fitted I am restricted to 12mm thickness...so I have been informed? Thanks in anticipation.
  19. Just to mention that I will be supporting our own comp on the 6th Nov......regardless of weather conditions. see you all then.
  20. Please add alf and Sally to the list for the flat fissh comp. Heading down afternoon Saturday and staying overnight for a early start. Hoping for a fantastic weekend,see you out there.
  21. I HAVE IT !!!! Was asked to bring it along to the signing in morning. Prior to cancellation and 2nd cancellation. However having to work one weekend in four I will miss the 9th. Where do you want me to deliver it / leave it. I will be out of cobbs this weekend if anyone is fishing the Open they could take it from me. call 07962157825 and arrange a meet. Thanks Alf
  22. weather looking good, weekend off. The search for the Cod off the needles sounds good. May see you out on the water.
  23. alfie

    open comp

    Thanks gents this info helped alot
  24. With the forthcoming Open Competition fast approaching can anyone advise me where to look to find a table of percentage fish sizes. Thanks
  25. Twice I've let Rob sit on my knee and this happens every time !!!!!!!!!1
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