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jay kay

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jay kay last won the day on January 26 2014

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About jay kay

  • Birthday 01/15/1984

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  1. jay kay


    No worries maybe another time.
  2. jay kay


    If I can get my call out covered and someone's looking for someone to take the mickey out of I'd be up for a wrecking trip please!
  3. jay kay


    Sorry to hear that Matt. I had my best day fishing with him, he was a top man! I only read this 5mins ago but I text him at 9 o'clock this morning to see how he was doing. Sad loss mate All the best Jon
  4. Happy birthday mate
  5. All the best Jim
  6. Cheers guys. Gunwharf quay with the mrs and after work!!
  7. I can pop it down to you one day next week if you want
  8. I've got a white pontoon fender which is 90cm long. I wondered if it was any use to anyone that might want to swap it for a couple of small normal fenders? Cheers Jon
  9. I'll take this please. Can you pm me where to collect, thanks Jon
  10. Nice one Peter. She looks good on the water too
  11. I thought your profile had been hacked but then I saw the photo! Nice one Jim
  12. Sold thanks
  13. White plastic, built in wheel and seat. It's in good useable condition. It comes with rowlocks but no oars. I paid £110 for it about 3 weeks ago so would like that back for it. I'm too stupid to upload pictures but I can email them if anyone wants to see it! Cheers
  14. I'll have this please Brian. Can I collect at the weekend please
  15. jay kay


    Im looking for a little dinghy, I'm not worried what it looks like as it will stay chained up on the beach. I also need a pair of half decent oars if anyone has some in their garage. Thanks Jon
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